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we.Æï fiaúldjf.a >d;lhd
fmd,Sish fldgqlr .kS

we.Æï wdh;khl fiajh ksuù ksfjia n,d meñfkñka isá jhi 18l jk ;reKshla ÿIKh lr urdoeñug iïnkaO iellrefjl= wo oyj,a uyshx.k fmd,sish yd .ïjdiska tlaù isÿ l, fufyhqul§ w;a wvx.=jg .eksug yelsj ;sfí'

we.Æï fiaúldj ÿIKh lr urd oeuq ia:dkfha ;snq mdjyka hqj, fmd,sia ks< iqKLhdg bj lrkakg Èfuka miq Bfha Èk iqkLhd .ïudkfha ;reKfhl=f.a ksjila fj; f.dia we;s w;r ta wkqj fmd,sisfha wjOdkh Tyq fj; fhduq njhs wm jd¾;dlre mejiqfõ'
tu ielldr ;reKhd jhi 20l ;reKfhla jk w;r ñg fmr újdy ù orefjlao isá' fmr újdyfha ìßo w;a yer jhi wjqreÿ 15l nd, jhialdr fjk;a ;reKshl iu. Tyq úiska fï jk úg Ôj;aj ;sìK' nd,jhialdßhla újdyhg .eksu iïnkaOfhka Tyq yg uyshx.k Widúfha kvqjlao úNd. fjñka mj;s'

iellre fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;a jk úg Tyqf.a j;auka ìßog ji fmdjd Tyqo ji mdkh lr ;sìks' ta wkqj fofokdu m%;sldr ioyd uyshx.k uq,sl frday, fj; we;=,;a lrkq ,eìh'
udmdlvjej iuqy - tÉ tï wd¾ lreKdúr - oekñk

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