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;d;a;d fjkqfjka wdmq fodaKshkaoE weh'

wehf.a wêlrKh wkqj lghq;= lrkak nE'
rfÜ kS;shla ;sfhkjd'
- uOqudOj wrúkao

ysre‚ld fma%upkaø is.s;s pQka tlla nj;a ysre‚ld foaYmd,khg meñ‚fha lÿ¿ úl=Kñka nj;a msú;=re fy< Wreufha cd;sl ixúOdhl uOqudOj wrúkao mjihs'uOqudOj uy;d fufia i|yka lf<a Bfha ^28& Èk msgfldaÜfÜ mdf.dv mdf¾ msysá msú;=re fy< Wreuh m%Odk ld¾hd,fha mej;s udOH oekqj;a lsÍfï yuqjlg tla fjñks'

weh ys;k úÈyg fuys§ ‍fmd,sishg lrkak fohla kE' weh foaYmd,khg wdfõ l÷¿ .x.djlska' ck;djf.a wkqlïmdj Èkdf.k th ;ñ,akdvq foaYmd,kh'

;d;a;d fjkqfjka wdmq foda‚hkaoE weh' wehf.a wêlrKh wkqj lghq;= lrkak nE' rfÜ kS;shla ;sfhkjd' u¾úka is,ajd uy;d;a fï úÈyg lghq;= l<d' ta;a wka;sug Tlafldau udOH tl udOHhla njg m;a jqKd'

ysre‚ld kue;s isÕs;s pQka tl Tkak oeka jev mgka wrf.k' thd lshkjd" meyerf.k .shd ;uhs" myrÿkafka kE lshkjd' ta wod< mqoa.,hd w;awvx.=jg .;a; nj;a weh lshkjd' ldka;djlf.;a" mqreIhl=f.a;a w;r we;sjk m%Yakhla ljr" fudkjf.a kvq f.dkaklgo wh;a fjkafka' isú,a kS;sh hg;go" fuh jefgkafka wmrdO kS;sh hg;go@

n,a,df.a jefâ oeka nQßÉÑfhla ùiska isÿlrk nj;a ñksiaiqkaf.a weoka Wv .eg¿ úi§u uka;%sjßhkaf.a j.lSula fkdjk nj;a ;d;a;df.a urKh úl=Kñka foaYmd,kh wd foda‚ kekaodg wo ish,a, wu;lù we;s njo Tyq lshd isáhd'ta ksid msiaiq n,a,ka iy msiaiq ne,a,shka neo ;eîu rglg wjYH fohla njo Tyq jeäÿrg;a mejiqjd'

weh ùr ÿjla kï ;d;a;d urmq mqoa.,hd okakjd kï .eyekq ñksiqkaf.a mjq,a m%Yak úi|kak l,ska" ;d;a;d urmq whj weof.k tkak' ta .ek yßhg okakjd kï Ôúf;ag tfyu lrkafka kE' taj;a hkafka my;a ;ekska' fldfydu yß tfyu fohla fjkjd kï ùr ÿjla jf.a b;sydi.; fjkak wehg mq¿jkafka'

wms lshkjd fuh jerÈhs kï th jerÈhs lsh,d tl ùr jdlHhla lshkak tcdmfha jkafIdÜ,d wo mQia megõ jf.a'

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