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l=i,a cks;a Y%S ,xld msf,ka bj;g

Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhfï iqmsß ms;slrefjl= jk l=i,a cks;a fmf¾rdg cd;Hka;r l%slÜ ;r. ;ykula mkjd ;sfí'

;ykï W;af;acl Ndú;d l<ehs lshk isoaêhg wod<j isÿl< î idïm, mÍlaIKfhka o th ikd: ùfuka miq l%slÜ ljqkais,h úiska fuu ;yku mkjd we;'

l%Svd wud;H ohdisß chfialr uy;d mjikafka whs'iS'iSfhka mekjQ tu ;yku ,sys,a lr .ekSu i|yd lghq;= lrk njhs'

ta wkQj ta iïnkaOfhka wNshdpkhla bÈßm;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk nj fyf;u mejiSh'

fï .ek jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka l%Svd wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha l=i,a cks;a fmf¾rd oek oek ;ykï W;af;acl Ndú;d l< njla m%ldY lr fkdue;s njhs'

Tyq ishÆfoaj,a f.k we;af;a fN!; Ñls;ailf.a wkqoekqu hgf;a njo ta uy;d fmkajdÿkafkah'

tfiau fuu ;SrKh .ek mqÿuhg m;ajQ njo mejiQ weu;sjrhd fï wjia:dfõ§ l=i,a w;rux fkdlr Tyq /l .ekSug l%slÜ md,l uKav,h me;af;ka l< yels ishÆfoa lrk njo lshd isáfhah'

l=i,a cks;a Y%S ,xldfõ fukau ‍f,dj mqrd l%slÜ f,da,Ska w;r ckm%sh jQfha ik;a chiQßhf.ka miq Y%S ,xld‍ l%slÜ lKavdhfuka ìysjQ m%ydrd;aul ms;sl=refjl= f,ihs'

Tyq mkaÿjg myrfok ú,dih ik;a chiQßh mkaÿjg myrfok ú,difh;a lsisÿ fjkila fkd;sîu Bg fya;=jh'

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