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fiañKs f.a wuq;= ßfmdaÜ tl

í,â ßfmdaÜ tl fjkqjg
ù,a t,hsukaÜ ßfmdaÜ tl fohs

fiañKs iuÛ wehf.a l,d f;dr;=re .ek fidhd n,kak wms wehg l;d l<d' ojil uu wikSm fj,d uf.a mjqf,a ffjoHjrhd yuqùug .shd' Tyq lsõjd ug í,â ßfmdaÜ tlla wrf.k tkak lsh,d' b;ska uu í,â ßfmdaÜ tl;a tlal kej;;a ffjoHjrhd yuqùug .shd'

Tyq í,â ßfmdaÜ tl b,a,mq wjia:dfõ uu l,n,hg §,d ;sfhkafka ù,a t,hsukaÜ ßfmdaÜ tl' b;ska ug ,eÊc;a ys;=Kd' fvdlag¾ yhsfhka yskd jqKd'

wjqreÿ myla ;siafia fg,skdgH j,g iyNd.s jqfKa keye' fï mj;sk fu.d /,a,;a tlal uu fndfyda ks¾udK m%;slafIam l<d' l=udrisß wfífldaka m%ùK wOHlaIjrhf.a n,j;a b,a,Sula iy Tyqg .re lsÍula úÈhg kej;;a uu fg,s kdgHlg iyNd.s jqKd' tafla ku ~Iqvd~' m%ikak chfldä wOHlaIjrhdf.a 28 iskud ks¾udKhg odhl jqKd' tys uu u< ñkshl pß;hla rÛmdkafka' ,nk wjqreoafoa uq, ;sr.; ùug kshñ;hs'

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