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.hdka p;=ßld újdy ux., W;aijh
,nk wjqreoafoa l,fha iudc cd, ;=, jEämqr l;d ny jqk l,dlrejka fofofkla ;uhs .hdka p;=ßld' Tjqkaf.a Ôú;fha ux., iSkq yevfjk oji;a jeä wE;l fkfjhs lsh,;a wmsg oek.kak ,enqKd'

fï ojiaj, wms fokaku ld¾hnyq, fj,d bkafka' ifya,s rEm.; lsÍï ;d id¾:lj fï Èkj, lrf.k hkjd' ta ksid fjk;a ks¾udKhka ndr .;af;;a keye' fyd| fma%laIl m%;spdrhla ,efnkjd'

ifya,s .=Kd;aul Ndjfhka hq;=" yrj;a" foaYSh;ajhg keUqre Èkm;d úldYkh jk ckm%shu fg,s kdgH njg m;alrkakhs wfma tlu n,dfmdfrd;a;=j' oeka fu.d fg,skdgH /,a, ksid fyd| ks¾udKj,g ;ekla keye' wms ta idïm%odhsl rduqfjka ñÈ,d wÆ;a w;aoelSula fma%laIlhdg ,nd fokjd' ta ksid ifya,s id¾:l ks¾udKhla fõú'

ifya,s rEm.; lsÍï lrkak" Location n,kak wms .shd' hkfldg ó yrla rxpqjla bÈßhg wdjd' fuhd,d tkafka fyd|lg fkfjhs lsh,d ug ys;=Kd' wms;a tlal ifydaor k¿fjl=;a .shd' b;ska udr jefâ ;uhs jqfKa'

ó yrflla Tyqg .yla uq,È úkdä tl yudrla ú;r wekf.k wekf.k .shd' tal ;uhs uu Ôú;hg u ú|mq ;%dicklu w;aoelSu lsh,d .hdka wmg lsõfõ yßu lk.dgqfjka'

fï l;dny w;r;=f¾§ p;=ßldf.a ñysß lgyv újr jqfKa fï úÈhghs'

ifya,s fg,skdgH wjika jQ ú.i wfma újdy ux., W;aijh ,nk wjqreoafoa mj;ajkak iQodkï lrkjd'

wms;a .hdkaghs p;=ßldghs ,iaik wkd.;hlg iqN mE;=ï tlalrkjd

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