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ckdêm;s ld¾hd,h úiska 
u,ajvfuka mjd .id ld,
fukak ì,a wdKavq iufha ckdêm;s ld¾hd,h úiska u,ajvfuka mjd .id lE nj ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak wo md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ fy<s lrkq ,enqjd'

ckdêm;sjrhd isÿ l, fuu m%jD;a;sh ms<sn|j wm l, fidhd ne,Sfï§ wmg wkdjrKh jQfha mqj;am;aj, i|yka fldg ;snQ urK oekaùï tl;=fldg tajdg u,a jvï heõjd hehs f;dr;=re i|yka fldg fuu ck;d uqo,a .id lEu b;d chgu isÿlr we;s njhs'

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg ys;j;a wdh;k folla uQ,sl fldg f.k fuu l%shdj,sh lr we;s njhs wmg ,eî we;s idlaIs wkqj fmfkkakg ;sfnkafka'

fkd • 27 ÿïßhfmd, mdr"ud;r hkqfjka ,smskhla i|yka fjk f¾,kaâ u,a Yd,dj kï tla u,a Yd,djla iy iqm%isoaO chr;ak u,a Yd,dfjka fuu u,a jvï i|yd weKjqï fndfydauhla ,nd §u isÿ fldg ;sfnkafka'
fuu ì,am;aj, ishÆu wxl wkqms<sfj,g ;sîu;a" fuys weKjqu ,nd § we;af;a tlu mqoa.,hd ùu;a
fuys we;s iqúfYaIS ,laIKhhs'

fuu wjux.,H fiajd imhk wdh;k j,ska u,a jvka ksl=;a fldg ;sfnkafka ckdêm;s ld¾hd,hg muKla o hkak
wm yg fuu ì,a m;a wxl mßlaId lsÍfï§ m%Yakhl mek k.skjd'

tfukau fuys we;s úia;r wkqj fndfydauhla u, f.j,a isÿù we;af;a ud;r k.rh flakao% fldg'

tfukau idudkHfhka ì,am;a wxl wkqms,sfj,g ;sìh hq;= jQj;a fuyska i|yka ì,am;a wxl we;af;a Tjqkag is;+ is;+ whqßka fjkia lsÍï j,g ,la fldgh'ta nj meyeÈ,sj my; ì,am;a wxl j,ska meyeÈ,sj fmkakqï lrhs'

Wod yrk -- 2014'12'12 ì,am;a wxlh 20

2014'12'13 ì,am;a wxlh ;sìh hq;af;a 21 jQj;a we;af;a 18'

fndfydauhla ì,am;ayS lsisÿ wjqreoaola i|yka jkafka;a ke;'

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