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úÿ,sr: j,g  rù .ymq
noao wfydaishs

úÿ,sfhka Odjkh jk fudag¾ r: i|yd wh lrk nÿ uqo, 5] isg 50] olajd jeä lsÍug wh - jefhka bÈßm;a l< fhdackdj h<s fmr mßÈ 5] iSudj olajd wvqlsÍug ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d ;SrKh lr we;'

ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d tu ;SrKh f.k ;sfnkafka Bfha ^23od& meje;s leìkÜ uKav, /iaùfï§h' fï leìkÜ /iaùug uqo,a wud;H rú lreKdkdhl uy;d iyNd.s fkdù isàuo wud;Hjrekaf.a iqúfYaI wjOdkhg ,laj ;sfí'

fï ms<sn| fhdackdj leìkÜ uKav,hg bÈßm;a jQ miq u,sla iurúl%u" id., r;akdhl jeks tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha m%n, wud;Hjreka /ilau woyia bÈßm;a lrñka mjid we;af;a úÿ,sfhka Odjkh jk fudag¾ i|yd tjka nÿ uqo,la mekùu widOdrK fukau fkdjk njh'

ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d tys§ úfYaIfhkau m%ldY lr we;af;a ;ud mßir wud;Hjrhd jYfhka lghq;= l<o fï ;SrKh ms<sn|j ;udo oekqj;a ù fkdisá nj;a mßir wdrlaIKh ms<sn| uq¿ f,dalfhau oeä idlÉPdjlg ,laj we;s iy ta fjkqfjka l%shdud¾. .kakd wjia:djl§ úÿ,sfhka Odjkh jk fudag¾ r:j,g fuf,i nÿ jeä lsÍu fkdjk lghq;a;la njh'

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