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fldïmeksh í,ela ,siaÜ

nÿ jYfhka ,eìh hq;= re'ñ,shk 29la
fld<U uyk.r iNdjg wysñhs (VIDEO)

úfoaYSh .dhlfhl= furgg f.kajd ix.S; m%ix.hla ixúOdkh l< wdh;kh widÿ f,aLkhg we;=<;a lrk nj fld<U uyk.r iNdfõ k.rdêm;s ta'fÊ'tï uqiïñ,a uy;d mjihs',;ska wfußldkq .dhlfhl= jk tkaßla,ishia keue;af;l= Y%S ,xldjg miq.shod f.kajd iS'wd¾'wekaâ't*a'iS msáfha§ ix.S; m%ix.hla ixúOdkh lr ;sìK'

fuu m%ix.h ixúOdkh lr ;snqfKa Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhfï isá fcHIaG l%Svlhska fofofkl= jk ufya, chj¾Ok yd l=ud¾ ix.laldr wOHlaIjreka f,i lghq;= lrk nj lshk zLive Eventsz keue;s wdh;kh úiska nj jd¾;d fõ'

fuu m%ix.fha§ m%fõYm;% /ila wf,ú jQ w;r by< jákdlï j,ska hq;a tu m%fõYm;% wf,úfha§ nÿ jYfhka ,eìh hq;= remsh,a ñ,shk 29l uqo,la fld<U uyk.r iNdjg wysñ ù .sh njg Èkj, oeä l;d nyla we;s úh'

tfiau tu m%ix.fha§ ;re‚hl úiska ish ;kmg .,jd tu .dhlhd foig úislsÍfï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d isÿl< m%ldYhla o Èk lsysmfha§ iudc cd, fjí wvú j, oeä f,i l;d nyg ,laúK'

fuu jd;djrKh hgf;a fld<U uyk.r iNdfõ k.rdêm;s ta'fÊ'tï uqiïñ,a uy;d wo udOH yuqjla mj;ajñka lshd isáfha fuu m%ix.h ixúOdkh l< iud.u jydu widÿ f,aLk .; lsÍug mshjr .kakd njhs'

tfiau tu wdh;kh ixúOdkh l< tu m%ix.fhka remsh,a 29l muK nÿ uqo,la wysñ ù .sh nj;a" tu uqo, f.ùug i;s folla ,ndfok nj;a" uqo, f.õj;a ke;;a tlS wdh;kh widÿ f,aLk .; lrk nj;a" fyf;u wjOdrKh lf<ah'

uqo,a fkdf.jkafka kï kS;suh mshjr .ekSu .ek wjOdkh fhduq lrk njo Tyq mejiSh'

wod< m%ix.fha§ wf,ú l< m%fõYm;% j,ska 7000l muK fld<U uyk.r iNdfõ uQødj we;s njg;a" ;j;a m%fõYm;% 3000l muK tu uQødj ke;s njg;a iel lrk nj;a" fuu udOH yuqfõ§ wkdjrKh flßK'

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