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brdÊf.a ñ,shk 15 l ùäfhdaj
,nk 10 jkod t,solajhs (Video)

Y%S ,xldfõ fuf;la l< oejeka;u ùäfhdaj

ckm%sh .dhlfhl= jk brdÊ ùrr;ak ld,fhka ld,hg úúO ks¾udKh isÿ lrkjd' ta w;ßka ld,fha l< zz ukud,s ZZ .S;h b;d ckm%sh jqKd' brdÊ ñ,shk 15 la úhoï lr kj ùäfhda mghla t<soelaùug iqodkï jk njg wmg jd¾;d jqKd'

ta iïnkaOfhka Tyqf.ka l< úuiSul§ Tyq mejiqfõ wod< ùäfhdaj i|yd remsh,a ñ,shk 15 la jeh jQ njhs' tu ùäfhdaj i|yd weußldfõ ckm%sh .dhlfhl= jk Sean Kingston iyBollywood .dhsld Sonu Kakkar " ckm%sh .dhsldjla jk Indira Joshi tl;= ù ;sfnkjd' fuu ùäfhdaj Y%S ,xldfõ fuf;la l< oejeka;u ùäfhdaj f,i ie,flkjd' brdÊ mjik mßÈ ñ,shk 15 la úhoï lr Y%S ,xldfõ isÿ l< m%:u .S;uh ùäfhdaj fuh jkjd' fuu ùäfhdaj fuu ui 10 jkod t,solaúug kshñ;hs' fuu .S;h NdId .Kkdjlska rgj,a 4 lg ks¾udKh lr we;s njhs Tyq jeä ÿrg;a mejiqfõ'

tys mq¾j m%pdrl mgh my;ska'''

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