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SLT Speed Up 31 rd;%s ix.S;hg
n%d tlla úislrk
ie,eiaula t,shg

wo ^31& rd;%sfha§ fld<U .d¿uqjfodr msáfha§ meje;aùug kshñ; Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï iamSâwma ^SLT Speed Up& ix.S; rd;%sh w;r;=r fõÈldjg ;k máhla ^n%d tlla& úislsÍfï ie,eiqula iïnkaOfhka wdrlaIl wxYfj; f;dr;=re ,eî we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

tfia ;kmáhla úis lsÍug ie,eiqïlr we;af;a ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d wmyiq;djhg m;a lsÍug njo mejfia'ta miq.shod meje;s ckm%sh .dhl tkaßla,ishiahf.a ix.S; m%ix.h w;r;=r tys fõÈldjg ;k máhla úis lsÍu ckm;sjrhdf.a úfõpkhg ,laúh'

tfiau Tyq m%isoaêfha lshdisáfha rfÜ ixialD;sh úkdYl< tkaßla ,hsõ fIda ,xldjg f.kajQ whg uvq j,sf.ka ;e,sh hq;=njhs'

iamSâwma ^SLT Speed Up& ix.S; rd;%shg ;kmáhla úislsÍug ierfikafka tys ixúOdhlhd jk fg,sfldï ys iNdm;sjrhdjkafka ckm;sjrhdf.a fidhqre l=udrisxy isßfiak uy;d ksidh'

wod, ix.S; m%ix.h wo rd;%s 8'00g wdrïNùug kshñ; w;r th rEmjdysksfha pek,a whs kd,sldfõo PEO TV ys pek,a 20 Tiafia o iÔùj úldYh lsÍugo ie,eiqï lr ;sfí'

fï ix.S; m%ix.h jir 2015 wjika lsÍug meje;afjk oejeka;u ix.S; rd;%sh f,i i,lkq ,nhs'

jdfhda fï i|yd ix.S;h imhkq ,nhs' SLT‬ Speed Up ix.S; rd;%sfha m%pdrl ùäfhdaj my; oelafõ'

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