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hleÿrel= 12 yeúßÈ oeßh flf,i,d

mdi,a YsIHdjla jk 12 yeúßÈ Èh‚hg jeyqKq N+; fodaIhla bj;a lsÍug hehs lshd f.kajd.;a hleÿrl= úiska tu oeßh ¥IKh lf<a hehs lshk mqj;la ueÈß.sßh fmd,sisfhka jd¾;d fõ'

fufia ¥IKhg ,laj we;af;a ueÈß.sßh md,u m%foaYfha mÈxÑ oeßhls' oeßhf.a mshdf.a hy¿jl= úiska mkaksmsáh m%foaYfha hleÿrl= y÷kajd § we;s w;r orejdg jeyS we;s hld t<ùug Èk kshu lrf.k ta wkqj Èfkl rd;%sfha ta i|yd hd.h mgka f.k we;'

hd.h mgka f.k ál fõ,djlska ish¨‍ fokd tu ia:dkfhka bj;aj hk f,i hleÿrd mjid we;s w;r miqj ldurfha ‍fodr.=¿ oud jid Tyq oeßh ¥IKhg ,la lr we;'

hd.h i|yd .dia;= f,i remsh,a ,laIhlg jeä uqo,la hleÿrdg ,nd § we;s w;r kej; i;shlg muK miq orejd frda.S ùu ksid kej; jrla hleÿrd f.kajd fmr fiau hd.h mj;ajd we;' hd.fhka Èk lsysmhlg miqj oeßh uj iuÕ isÿjQ ish,a, mjid we;'

ta wkqj ujqmshka <ud wdrlaIl wêldßhg oekqï §fuka miq ueÈß.sßh fmd,sisfha ldka;d iy <ud ld¾hdxY ks,OdÍka hleÿrdg orejd kej; wikSm ù we;s nj mjid iQlaIau f,i Tyq f.kaj f.k w;awvx.=jg f.k we;' w;awvx.=jg m;a hleÿrd mjid we;af;a wjia:d foll§u lSmj;djlau orejd iuÕ , l%shdfõ fhÿKq njhs'

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