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äðg,a fkdñkSia iud.fï
.ïukams,f.a jxpdjla
n%hka fy<s lrhs


uka;%S Woh .ïukams,f.a jxpdj fya;=fjka ;ukag wefußld fvd,¾ ñ,shk myf<djla muK jákd j;alï iy fmd,S wysñ jQ nj ´iag%f,shd cd;sl n%hka Ieäla mjihs'

´iafg%,shd cd;sl n%hka Ieäla m%Odk;ajh orK äðg,a fkdñkSia iud.fï wOHlaIjrfhl= f,i md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Woh .ïukams, isÿl< uQ,H jxpdjla ms<sn| úfYaI udOH yuqjla wo fmrjrefõ mqia;ld, yd m%f,aLk uKav, Y%jKd.drfha§ meje;ajqKd'
´iafg%,shd cd;slhdf.a ienE weg¾ks n,m;% ysñhd nj lshk ,is; fmf¾rd uy;d fuu udOH yuqj ixúOdkh lf<ah'

äðg,a fkdñkSia wh;a fldgia uqo,a remsh,a fldaá 11lg wdikak m%udKhla Woh .ïukams, jHdc weg¾ks n,m;%hla fhdodf.k fuu jxpdj lr we;s njhs mejfikafka'äðg,a fkdñkSia iud.fï furg m%OdkS ,is; fmf¾rd meje;ajQ udOH yuqjg n%hka Ieäla ´iafg%,shdfõ isg ialhsma ;dlaIKh yryd iïnkaO jqKd'

n%hka Ieäla - m%OdkS - äðg,a fkdñkSia iud.u

uu tlaÈkl fld<Ug meñ‚hd' tu wjia:dfõ§ Woh .ïukams, uy;d .=jkaf;dgqm,g wdjd' thd lsjqjd n%hka fufy Thdg f,dl= ;¾ckhla ;sfhkj lsh,d' Thdj >d;kh lrkak l=uka;%Khla l%shd;aul fjkj lsh,' uu ys;=j thd lrkafk úys¨‍jla lsh,'

ug wojf.a u;lhs' uu we;a;gu Wohf. wk;=re weÕùug NhjqKd' Woh ug lsjqjd fld<U wjg ießirkak tmd lsh,' thd ug lsjqj fydag,a ldurfhka t<shgj;a hkak tmd lsh,' miqÈk Tyq ug lsjqj n%hka lreKdlr, fufyka hkak' wdfh;a tkak tmd lsh,'

uu fm!oa.,sl nexl=jla yryd ie<lshhq;= uqo,la wdfhdackh l<d' ta fj,dfj Woh ug lsjqj thdj úYajdi lrkak lsh,' uu Wohj úYajdi l<d' fuys úfYaI lreK jkafka Tyq udj .=jka f;dgqmf,a§ yuqjkúg f,dl= jxpdjla lrñka ysáfh' wo th ksid ug ñ,shk .dkl j;alï yd fmd,S ke;sfj,d ;sfhkj'

Woh .ïukams< uy;d fldgia úls‚u i|yd jHc f,i ieliqjd hehs lshk wefgdaks n,m;%h my;ska oelafõ'

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