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,laI 660l úfoaY uqo,a
u;a;,ska w;awvx.=jg

remsh,a yhfldaá yeg,la‍Ihlg wêl úfoaY uqo,a kS;s úfrdaë wdldrhg vqndhs n,d /f.k heug ;e;a l< .=jka u.shl= u;a;, rdcmla‍I cd;Hka;r .=jkaf;dgqmf<a§ f¾.= ks,OdÍka úiska Bfha ^16jeksod& fmrjrefõ w;awvx.=jg .kakd ,§'

ud;r" je,s.u m%foaYfha mÈxÑ 35 yeúßÈ jHdmdßlhl= úiska ish .uka u,af,a jHdc m;=,la‌ idod fuu úfoaY uqo,a /f.k heug ;e;a lsÍfï§ w;awvx.=jg .;a nj f¾.= udOH m%ldYl f,ia‌,s .dñŒ uy;d mejiSh' fuh u;a;, rdcmla‍I cd;Hka;r .=jkaf;dgqmf<a§ isÿ l< úYd,u jeg,Su njo f,ia‌,s .dñŒ uy;d lshd isáfhah'

tu úfoaY uqo,a f;d.h w;r wefußlka fvd,¾ 934lao hqfrda 583" mjqï 16"600la" l=fõÜ äkd¾ 2"690" fi!È ßhd,a 77"500" lgd¾ ßhd,a 16"000" vqndhs äkd¾ 11"900 fvkaud¾la fldak¾ 67"000" iaúia m%Ekala 1"200la" ´udka ßhd,a 1"125lao ;snQ nj f¾.= udOH wOHlaIjrhd i|yka flf<ah'

f¾.=jg yiqjQ tu úYd,;u uqo, fï mqoa.,hd úiska úfoaY rglg f.khEug iQodkï jQfha ;j;a mqoa.,hl=f.a n,mEula u;o hkak .ek jeäÿr mÍlaIK meje;aùu i|yd iellre yd úfoaY uqo,a f;d.h f¾.= uOHu úu¾Yk wxYhg jeäÿr mÍlaIK i|yd f.k taug lghq;= fhdod ;sì‚'

u;a;, .=jkaf;dgqfmdf<a f¾.= wxYfha ksfhdacH f¾.= wOHlaIjreka jk ksYdka; chisxy" yika; .=ref.a hk uy;ajreka iy iyldr f¾.= wêldßjreka jk kqjka wfíkdhl" ta'fla'wd¾' iukað;a hk uy;ajreka uÕska mÍlaIK fufyhjk ,§'

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