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id., - iajdñkdoka Èjqreïfohs

olaIsK ixj¾Ok wud;H id., r;akdhl uy;d kS;sh yd iduh wud;Hjrhd f,i;a" mqkre;a:dmk" kej; mÈxÑ lsÍï yd yskaÿ wd.ñl lghq;= weu;s ã'tï iajdñkdoka uy;d nkaOkd.dr m%;sixialrK wud;Hjrhd f,i;a ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d bÈßfha Èjqreï§ ;sfí'

id., r;akdhl uy;d fukau ã'tï iajdñkdoka uy;do oekg ork ;k;=rej,g wu;rj fuu m;alsÍï lr we;s w;r ta ;s,la udrmk uy;d úiska orE tlS ;k;=re j,ska b,a,d wiaùu ksidh'
udrmkf.a mqgqj fn§ id.,g iy
iajdñkdokag ,efnk ,l=Kq

;s,la‌ udrmk uy;d oerE kS;sh yd iduh nkaOkd.dr m%;sixia‌lrK wud;H Oqrhkg wh;a úIhhka id., r;akdhl yd ã'tï' ia‌jdókdoka hk weue;sjrekag ,nd§ug rch mshjr f.k we;ehs wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

kS;sh yd iduh úIh ola‌IsK ixj¾Ok weue;s id., r;akdhl uy;dg;a nkaOkd.dr m%;sixia‌lrK úIh ã'tï' ia‌jdñkdoka uy;dg;a ,nd§ug ie,iqï lr ;sfnk nj tu wdrxÑ ud¾. mejeiSh'

;s,la‌ udrmk uy;d ish weue;s Oqrfhka b,a,d wia‌ùfuka miq mqrmamdvq ù ;sfnk fuu weue;s Oqrhg wh;a úIhhka id., r;akdhl yd ã'tï' ia‌jdñkdoka hk uy;ajrekag ,ndÈh hq;= njg ks¾foaY ù ;sfnk w;r ta ms<sn|j wjika ;SrKh ckdêm;sjrhd úiska .ekSug kshñ;h' 

ta wkqj olaIKs ixj¾Ok wud;H yd w.%dud;H ld¾h uKav, m%Odks id., r;akdhl uy;d kS;sh yd iduh ms<sn| wud;Hjrhd f,i;a" ã'tï iajdñkdoka uy;d nkaOkd.dr m%;sixialrK wud;Hjrhd f,i;a ;udg mej;s wud;HxYj,g wu;rj fuu wud;HxY folo taldnoaOj lghq;= lrkq we;'

úYajdi lghq;;= wdrxÑud¾. ioyka lrkafka fudjqka fofokd wo ^11& iajlSh kj leìkÜ wud;H OQrhkays Èjqreï fokq we;s njhs'

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