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ckÈm;s ffu;%S ;kshu
kjf,dal frday,g .syska

ckÈm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d Èkl ;kshu kjf,dal frdayf,a ndysr frda.Ska mßlaI lrk mßwka;fha .uka.kak wdldrhla tu frday,g meñKisá mqoa.,hl= wmfj; tjkq ;snqk'

rdcH kdhlhl= f,i ir, lu w.h lrk ckdÈm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d tljru kjf,dal frday, ;=, ;ksj weúof.k hdu fiajlhka fukau frda.Ska tfudfydf;a /§isá ishÆ fokdu mqÿuh m;aú we;'

fndfydafokl=g ckdÈm;s ;=ud nj wjfndaOlr.kakg álfj,djla .;jqnj;a tfia is;d th wh wiqkaj,ska ke.sák úg ckÈm;s;=ud ta wh miqlrf.dia wjika  njo mejfia'

wm l< fidhd ne,Sul§ ckÈm;sjrhd fuys f.diawe;af;a m%;sldr,nk ;u ys;j;l= ne,Sug nj f.disma99 fj; wkdjrkhfõ'

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