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wo wNHjldY iqkanqka fldgi
lvdjefgk yeá fukak

wNHjldY frdlÜ‌gqjl bkaOk gexlshl fldgila‌ fyda frdlÜ‌gqjla‌ mK.kajk nQia‌grhl fldgila‌ hEhs lsj yels iqkanqka fldgila‌ fkdjeïn¾ 13 od Y%S ,xldjg ol=Kq foiska ie;mqï 62 la‌ wE; uqyqÿ m%foaYhg jeàug kshñ;hs'

fuu iqkanqka fldgi mD;=úfha .=re;ajdl¾IKhg wiqùu;a iu.u .sks .kakd ksid bka úm;la‌ isÿ fkdjk nj lshefja'

WT1190f kñka y÷kajk fuu wNHjldY iqkanqka fldgi .%sksÉ fõ,dfjka 6'20 g uqyqog m;s;ùug kshñ;hs' Tla‌f;daïn¾ 3 od fuh fidhd.kq ,enqfõ wNHjldY úu¾Ylhl= jQ frdaia‌ ueÜ‌kshhs' leg,skd wNHjldY úu¾Yk wdh;kh ola‌jkafka tlS iqkanqka fldgia‌ l=vd njhs'

fuh uq,skau W,aldmd;hl fldgila‌ hEhs is;=j;a miqj tu woyi neyer ù we;'

fï w;r hqfrdamd wNHjldY tackaish mjikafka mD;=úhg lvd jefgk iqkanqka fldgia‌ merKs wNHjldY hdkdjl fldgila‌ njhs' iuyr úg th wNHjldYh ;=< w;ayer oeuQ wemf,da hdkdfõ Wmdx.hl fldgila‌ úh yels njg Tjqyq fy<s lr we;'

tfy;a fï “iqkanqka” ksisf,i y÷kdf.k ke;' msys,a ma,hsÜ‌ keue;s f,aLlhd mjikafka wo lvd jefgk tu wNHjldY iqkanqka fldgi .ek ìhla‌ we;s lr fkd.; hq;= nj;a weußldkq fõ,dfjka 1'20 g th mD;=úhg we;=,a ù .sks .kakd njhs' 2008 jif¾§ wNHjldYfha isg mD;=úhg meñks TC3 iy 2014 § AA keue;s W,aldmd;h wms ÿgqjd tfy;a fujr mD;=úhg lvd jefgkafka W,aldmd;hla‌ fkdfjhs hEhs Tyq lshd isáfhah'

ol=Kq uqyqÿ fjr<g wo ^13 jeksod& oyj,a ld,fha m;s; ùug kshñ; wdldY jia‌;=j ksÍla‍IKh lsÍug Y%S ,xld .%yf,dald.drh ;SrKh lr we;'

ta wkqj tu wdldY jia‌;=j ;x.,a, m%foaYfha isg ksÍla‍IKh lsÍug Y%S ,xld .%yf,dald.drh n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd'

wä 6'5 la‌ muK jk fuu wNHjldY lene,a, ksÍla‍IKh lsÍug ;rï m%udKj;a wdf,dalhlska uqyqog m;s; jkq we;ehs hqfrdamSh wNHjldY tackaisfha mD:súhg wdikak wdldY jia‌;+ka wOHhkh lrk uOHia‌:dkh i|yka lr we;ehs úoHd" ;dla‍IK yd m¾fhaIK wud;HdxYh i|yka lrhs'

WT1190f f,i kï lr we;s fuu wNHjldY jia‌;=j ksÍla‍IKh lsÍug hï wfhla‌ n,dfmdfrd;a;=fõ kï Wfoa 10'30 isg 12'30 ola‌jd ld,h ;=< ksÍla‍IKh lsÍu jvd;a iqÿiq hEhs o wud;HdxYh fmkajd fohs'

wNHjldYhg hjk ,o frdlÜ‌gqjl lene,a,la‌ wo ^13 jeksod& oyj,a 11'45 g muK ol=Kqa uqyqÿ fjrf<a isg ie;mqï 65 la‌ muK ÿßka uqyqog m;s; jkq we;s njg úoHd{hka fidhdf.k we;ehs o úoHd" ;dla‍IK yd m¾fhaIK wud;HdxYh jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrhs'

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