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meßia m%ydrfha uy fud,lre ureg

m%xYhg ridhksl wú fyda
ffcj wú m%ydrhla t,a, lsÍfï
wjodkula Èk m%xYfha meßia kqjrg m%ydr t,a, l< hehs ie,flk uy fu<lre >d;kh lr ;sfí' wod< iellre wíÿ,ayóâ wnQâ f,i yeÈkafjk w;r fmf¾od isÿl< yÈis jeg,Sul§ Tyq >d;khg ,lajqKq nj m%xY n,OdÍka mjihs'

Ydka; fvksia k.rfhha Bfha fufyhqfuka wk;=rej iqkanqka mßlaId lsÍfï§ Tyqf.a isrer yuqù we;s nj úfoaY mqj;a fiajd fmkajd fohs'

fn,aðhï cd;slfhl=jk wnQâ >d;khg ,lajk úg 27jk úfha miqúh'

fï w;r m%xY w.ue;s uekqfj,a jd,ia mjikafka ;%ia;jd§ lKavdhï m%xYhg ridhksl wú fyda ffcj wú Ndú;d lrñka m%ydrhla t,a, lsÍfï wjodkula we;s njhs'

Tyq fï nj lshd isáfha meÍishg t,a, flreKq m%ydr ud,dj fya;=fjka mkjk ,o yÈis kS;sh ;j;a udi ;=kla olajd §¾> lsÍfï md¾,sfïka;= újdohlg tla fjñks'

fï w;r fn,aðhï fmd,sish n%fia,aia kqjr msysá meßia m%ydrhg iïnkaO ì,d,a yoa*s iy i,dya wífoia,ï hk m%ydrlhka fofokdg wh;a foam< j, jeg,Sï isÿ lsÍfï fh§ isá;s'

fn,aðhï fmd,sish úiska isÿ lrkq ,nk fndfyda jeg,Sï m%xY m%ydrfha urdf.k uefrk fndaïn lrejl= jQ m%xY cd;sl ì,d,a yoa*sg iïnkaO fn,aðhfï foam< b,lal lr .ksñka isÿ flfrk njhs RTBF mqj;a fiajh jd¾;d lf<a'

oy ;=ka jeks isl=rdod meÍishg t,a, flreKq m%ydr ud,dfjka tlish úis ku fokl= >d;kh flßKs'

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