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m%xYh m%ydr oeä lrhs

whs*,a mßY%fha /iaùï" Woaf>daIK
fm<md,s 2016 ckjdß 01 jeks od olajd ;ykï

meßia m%ydrfha WKqiqu ;ju;a myj f.dia ke;' m%xY md¾,sfïka;=j wu;ñka m%xY ckdêm;s *arkaYqjd Tf,dakaoa" whs tia ixúOdkh úkdY lr oeóug lem jk nj m%ldY lf<ah' Tyq ta nj m%ldY l< wjia:dfõ md¾,sfïka;=fõ by< yd my< uka;%S uKav, folu tljr /iaj isàu úfYaI;ajhls'

miq.shod meßishg t,a, jQ m%ydrfhka miqj m%xYh hqoaOhlg wj;S¾K ù isák nj ckdêm;s Tf,dakaoa fuys§ m%ldY lr we;' ta wkqj whs 'tia';%ia;jd§kag úreoaOj m%xYh brdlfha iy isßhdfõ wrUd we;s yuqod m%ydr oeä lsÍug kshñ;h' tfiau whs'tia' ixúOdkhg tfrysj .kakd l%shd ud¾. ms<sn|j idlÉPd lsÍug kqÿf¾§u we‍ußldkq ckm;s nrla Tndud iy reishdkq ckm;s mqáka uqK .efik njo ckm;s Tf,dkaoa m%ldY lf<ah' meßia m%ydrfhka ñh .sh 129 fokdg wu;rj frday,a .; lrkq ,enQ 352 fokdf.ka 99 fofkl=f.a ;;a;ajh b;du nrm;< nj frday,a wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs' i,am%sÜß" fmdïmsvq" ìpd iy fikaÜ Æù frday,a ;=jd,lrejkaf.ka msÍ we;s w;r frday,a ld¾h uKav, w;sYh ld¾h nyq,j we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

fï jk úg m%xYh jgd oeä wdrlaIl j<,a,la oud we;s w;r m%xY foaY iSudjo iïmQ¾Kfhkau jid oud we;' kdgH Yd,d" iskud y,a" fl!;=ld.dr wdÈh jid oeóu ksid m%xY jeishkaf.a ffoksl Ôú;h ;ju;a h:d ;;a;ajhg m;aj ke;s nj ;yjqre fõ' f,dal m%lg whs*,a l=Æk jid oud úÿ,s myka ksjd oud ;snQ w;r" fï jk úg th m%xY cd;sl fldäfha j¾K j,ska w‍df,dalj;a lr we;' f,dj iqm%lg ia:dk w.k.r mjd m%xY cd;sl fldäfha j¾Kfhka wdf,dalj;a lr ;snQ nj úúO rgj,ska jd¾;d úh' whs*,a mßY%fha /iaùï" Woaf>daIK fyda fm<md,s 2016 ckjdß 01 jeks od olajd ;ykï lr we;' meßisfha äiaks,ka;‍ho wo ^nodod& olajd jid oeñK' i;s wka;fha m%xY wNHka;r wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh lrk ,o ksfõokhg wkqj lKavdhï ;=klska hq;a tu m%ydrhg y;a fofkl= iyNd.s ù ;sfí' ia:dk ;=kl§ m%ydr isÿ lr we;s w;r m%ydrhg iïnkaO y;a fokdu ñh f.dia we;'

tfia ñ jhi wjqreÿ 27la jk a we,aÔßhd cd;sl Tud¾ biauhs,af.a mshd ;u f*ianqla msgqfõ igykla ;nñka mjid we;af;a ;u mq;%hdf.a úl%uh ms<sn|j ;ud i;=gq jk njhs' ta m%ydrlhdf.a mshd" ifydaorfhda ;sfokd iy ifydaoßfhda fofofkla m%Yak lsÍu i|yd fmd,sish ndrhg .kq ,en isá;s'

flfia jqj;a ie,iqï lr we;s mßÈ m<d;a md,k ue;sjrKh;a" fkdjeïn¾ 30 jeksod meje;aùug kshñ; mßir ¥IKh je<elaùfï uyd iïfï,kh;a tf,iu meje;afjk nj w.ue;sjrhd m%ldY lrhs'

fï w;r udOH lafIa;%hg wdo¾Yhla ,nd foñka" ñh .shjqka f.a PdhdrEm m< fkdlsÍug" udOH ksoyi Wmßufhka Nqla;s ú¢k m%xY udOH lghq;= lf<ah' rg jeishd ;%dihg fyda NS;shg m;ajk wdldrfha rEm rduq m%pdrh fkdlsÍugo Tjqyq j. n,d .;ay'

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