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uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú mqyqKqjla ´kE
-weu;s wð;a
uka;%Sjrekag ,nd Èh hq;af;a
.sks wúhla‌ fkdfjhs ixj¾Ok wúhla‌
-weu;s ið;a

md¾,sfïka;=fõ uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú Ndú;h ms<sn|j mqyqKqjla‌ ,nd§u b;d fyd| l%shdldrlula‌ nj wud;H wð;a mS' fmf¾rd uy;d i|yka lrhs'

fï .sks wú mqyqKqfõ§ fjä ;shkak ú;rla‌ fkdfõ mqyqKq lrkafk' ta .sks wúfha l%shdldß;ajh" .sks wúh wÆ;ajeähd lr .ekSu ms<sn| wjfndaOh fukau .sks wúh mdúÉÑ lsÍug fmr wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= lreKq wdÈh ms<sn|jo fuu mqyqKqfõ§ wjfndaOhla‌ ,nd fokjd' hEhso wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

oekg mqyqKqj ,nd fokafk kjl uka;%Sjrekag muKhs' wms jdykhla‌ ñ,§ .;a;dg ta jdykh .ek wjfndaOhla‌ fukau jdykh mdúÉÑ lrk ms<sfj, .ek oekqula‌ ,nd .; hq;=hsfka' ta jdf. kjl uka;%Sjre .sks wú .kakjd kï ta .ek wjfndaOhla‌ ,nd .ekSu ;ukaf.a wdrla‌Idjg fukau .sks wúh mdúÉÑ lrkúg we;súh yels w;=re wk;=re j<la‌jd .kak fya;=jla‌ jk nj o wud;Hjrhd lSfõh'

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrekag fmd,sia‌ wdrla‍Idjla‌ ,nd § ;sìh§ Tjqkag wú mqyqKqjla‌ iu. .sks wúhla‌ ,nd§u lsisfia;au wjYH fkdjk nj ksjdi iy iuDoaê weue;s ið;a fma%uodi uy;d lshd isáfhah'

uka;%Sjrekag ,nd Èh hq;af;a .sks wúhla‌ fkdfjhs ixj¾Ok wúhla‌ hEhs o wud;Hjrhd jeäÿrg;a lshd isáhs' fï iïnkaOfhka ið;a fma%uodi uy;d jeäÿrg;a fufia o lshd isáfhah'

uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú ,nd§u wdKa‌vq hgf;a isÿl< wkjYH l%shdjla‌' ta wkjYH l%shdj hymd,k wdKa‌vqj hgf;a;a l%shd;aul fkdúh hq;=hs'

uu ckdêm;s;=udf.ka fukau w.ue;s;=udf.ka oeäj b,a,d isákjd uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú mqyqKqj ,nd§u fukau Tjqkag .sks wúhla‌ ,nd§u jydu k;r lrkak lsh,d'

ta md¾,sfïka;=j ;=<;a uu úYd, y`vla‌ k.kak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú ,nd§u k;r lrkak'

md;d, idudðlfhda l=vqldrfhd" cdjdrïldrfhd" ñkSurefjd .sks wú mdúÉÑ lrkjd' uka;%Sjrekag .sks wú ,nd§fuka jerÈ mQ¾jdo¾Yhla‌ fokjd'

kjl uka;%Sjrekag ,ndfokak ´fk .sks wú mqyqKqjla‌ fkdfjhs rfÜ ixj¾Okh l%shd;aul l< hq;= wdldrh ms<sn|j mqyqKqjla‌ hEhs o ið;a fma%uodi uy;d jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'


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