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iuka ch,;a fiahdj ÿIKh lr
urdoeófï jro ms<s.kS

ñkSueÍfï fpdaokdjg fjku kvq úNd.hla

fldgfo‚hdj nv,a.u wlrx.y mÈxÑj isá 5 yeúßÈ fiahd ifoõñ oeßh meyerf.k f.dia ¥IKh lr urd oeóu iïnkaOfhka wê fpdaokd ,enQ wlrx.y mÈxÑ b,kaodßfmaäf.a iuka ch,;a kue;a;d niakdysr m<d;ano ó.uqj uydêlrK úksiqre tka' ù' lreKd;s,l uy;d yuqfõ fpdaokd ish,a,gu jrolre nj Bfha m%ldY l<d'

2015 iema;eïn¾ 11 jeksod ish ksjfia kskafoa miq jQ fiahd ifoõñ oeßhNdrldr;ajfhka meyerf.k , w;jrhlg ,lalsÍu" ¥IKh lsÍu iy miqj weh >d;kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka b,kaodßfmaäf.a iuka ch,;a kue;a;d wê fpdaokd ,nd we;s kuq;a uydêlrK kS;sh wkqj ñkSueÍfï fpdaokdjg fjku kvq úNd.hla meje;aùug wêlrKh úiska ;SrKh lrk ,§' tu kvqj cQß iNdjla fkdue;sj meje;aùug ú;a;slre Bfha tl`. jqKd'
fuu kvqfõ ú;a;sh fjkqfjka kS;S{hska lsisfjl= fmkS isákakg uq,ska iQodkula ;snqfka ke;s kuq;a Tyq fjkqfjka fmkS isàug kS;s{ p;=r wur;=x. wêlrKh u.ska m;alr ;snqKd'

iuka ch,;a fldgg fldKavh lmd Widúhg meñK isáhd'
iema;eïn¾ 11 jeksod fiahd ifoõñ oeßh meyer.ekSug ,lajQ w;r iema;eïn¾ 13 jeksod wef.a isrer yuq úh'
bka wk;=rej wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j u.ska b,kaodß fmaäf.a iuka ch,;a kue;a;d w;awvx.=jg .;a w;r tu isoaêfha§ fidhd.;a Y=l%dKq Tyq ms<sn|j meje;s ã' tka' ta' jd¾;dj yd iei÷‚'
iuka ch,;a Bfha jro ms<s.;a;o Tyqg o~qjï mekùula isÿjQfha ke;s w;r ta iïnkaO kvq úNd.h 2016 ckjdß ui 25 od isg Èkm;d úNd. lrkq we;s nj;a jd¾;d jqKd'

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