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;s,la udrmk b,a,d wiajqKd úÈh
fukak we;a; l;dj 

wjka.¾â isoaÈh iïnkaoj /iajQ úfYaI flìkÜ /iaùfï§  È.skaÈ.gu ckÈm;sjrhd ;s,la udrmk weu;sjrhdf.ka m%Yaklrkak;a hï weu;sjrfhla ,dnd m%fhdack ;ld hï tl.;djhlg meñK we;akï jy bj;afjk f,i okajd isáh' 

fufu idlÉpd w;r ;=r rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d fukau pïmsl rKjl weu;sjrhd Ⱦ.j woyia olajñka ;s,la udrmk weu;sjrhd wjka.¾â iud.fï ysgmq kS;s WmoIlfhla fuu ks;sfïh lrKh wÈlrKh ;=,  fír.kak wod, /ljrKh ,ndfokak jD¾;sh ne§ula ;s,la udrmk uy;dg we;snj ish,a,u okakd lrkhlanj ckdÈm;s jrhd ;s,laurmk uy;dg fya;a;= .kjd§ ;sfnhs' 

;s,la udrmk wud;Hjrhd ckdÈm;s ;=ukaf.a úu¾Yk lñgqj wjka.¾â iu.u iïnkaoj l, m%ldYho ckdÈm;s ;=udf.a wjodkh, ,laúh' tkï wjka.â iu.u kS;súfrda§ lsisfohla isÿlr ke; hk m%ldY ckdÈm;s ;=ud mqÿuhg m;alf¾ rfÜ kdhlhd úu¾Yk lghq;= lkúg wud;H jrhl=  th wìfhda.hg ,lalsÍu ckd§ma;s ;=ud wi;=go m,lf¾h' 

;j w;lska ckdÈm;s ;=ud fya;a;= .ekajqfha ;j;a wud;Hjre isákï wjka.¾â iu.u iu. ä,a ou tajd fíreula lr.kak' uu rfÜ ks;sh yßhg lrk njhs fuu m%ldYh iu. w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d ckdÈm;s ;=ud iu. tl.jQ w;r  ;s,la urmk wud;H jrhd b,a,d wiaùu fï fudfydf;a iqÿiq nj ckÈm;s ;=ud l, fiiq wud;Hjre ;s,laurmk uy;dg f;rekalr §fuka wk;=rej ;s,laurmk uy;d ;u b,a,d wiaùfï ,smsh ckÈm;s ;=udg ndrfok ,§ ckdÈ m;s;=uo th w;gf.k Tn fufudfydf;a lf¾ yßfohla nj m%ldYlrk ,§' 
fiiq wud;Hjre úchodi rdcmlaI fukau wkacqka ufyakao%ka uyd nexl= iNm;s jrhd .eko l;dlrkak mgka.;a; ta tod ckdÈm;s ;=ud w.%dud;H ;=ukag uyd nexl= iNm;s jrhd wialrkak lshqj lrKh fukau úcodi rdcmlaI wÈlrK weu;sjrhd úÈhg wjka.¾â iu.u fjkqfjka olajk Wkkaÿj ydiHg ,lalrkak mgka.;a;'

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