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jdiajhs mq;djhs fír.kak
udrdka;sl Wmjdihla wrUkjd
-ìß| Idu,S fmf¾rd


urK ovqju kshujQ ysgmq ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s jdia .=Kj¾Okf.a ìß| jk Idu,S fmf¾rd uy;añh Bfha udOH yuqjla le|jd ;snqKd'

ysgmq ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s jdia .=Kj¾Ok uy;d iïnkaOfhka ,ndÿka ;Skaÿjg tfrysj wNshdpkhla bÈßm;a lrk nj jdia .=Kj¾Okf.a ìß| jk Ydu,s fmf¾rd uy;añh mjihs'
weh fmkajd fokafka uydêlrKh úiska miq.shod ;u ieñhd we;=¿ yh fofkl=g ,ndÿka kvq ;Skaÿj ms<s.; fkdyels njhs'

fï w;r fudfyduâ ishdïf.a mshd miq.shod wêlrK N=ñfha § isÿl< m%ldYh h<s fjkia lsÍug fya;=j n,mEula nj o Ydu,s fmf¾rd uy;añh fuysÈ i|yka l<dh'

tfiu ;ud bÈßfha§ wod< mqoa.,hska yh fokd fjkqfjka udrdka;sl Wmjdihla wdrïN lsÍugo iqodkï njo weh tys§ i|yka l<dh'

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