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úfoia fk!ld wejka.dÙ wdrla‍Idj
tmd lshhs

wejka.dâ iud.u i;= wú wdhqO
Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodj fj;
úfoaY rgj,a 5l l%shd;aul jQ
;u iud.fï ld¾hd, jid ouhs

wejkaÜ.dâ isoaêh iu. we;sjQ w¾nqoldÍ jd;djrKh yuqfõ ;u iud.fuka wdrlaIdj ie,iQ cd;Hka;r fk!ld 150 la bÈßfha§ Y%S ,xldfjka wdrlaIdj b,a,d fkdisák nj ;u okajd we;ehs wejkaÜ.dâ wdrlaIl iud.fï jdksc fk!ld wdrlaIl l<ukdldr úY%dñl Æ;skka l¾k,a ks,ka; chùr uy;d mjihs'

fïjk úg wejkaÜ.dâ i;=j mej;s wdrlaIl wú olaIsK kdúl wd{dm;sjrhd úiska ,ndf.k we;s nj;a" thska fuf;la wdrlaIdj ie,iQ cd;Hka;r fk!ldjkag ;jÿrg;a wdrlaIdj ie,iSug fkdyelsù we;s nj;a Tyq i|yka lf<ah'

fuu l%shdoduh ysá wäfha weKysàu fya;=fjka cd;Hka;r ‍fj<| fk!ld 6g kdúl .uka m%udo lsÍug isÿj we;s nj;a" tfiau cd;Hka;r uqyqfoa uiqka w,a,k fk!ld 2g wdrlaIdj ie,iSug fkdyelsjQ nj;a Tyq fmkajd ÿkafkah'

fïjk úg úfoaY rgj,a 5l l%shd;aul jQ ;u iud.fï ld¾hd, jid oud tys ld¾hd, Wmlrk úl=Kd oud ld¾h uKav, fiajl$fiaúldjkag ,xldjg meñfKk f,i oekqïÿka nj ks,ka; chùr uy;d jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

flfia fj;;a fï iïnkaOfhka forK kd,sldj wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh l< úuiSul§ i|yka lf<a jdKsc fk!ldj,g wdrlaIdj iemhsfï ld¾hh Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodjg ,ndÈu;a iu. tu fk!ld wdrlaIdj fkdue;sj .uka lsßug fkdyelsj cd;Hka;r uqÿfoa kj;d we;s njg f.k hk m%pdr wi;H njhs'

wdrlaI f,alï lreKdfiak fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;d lshd isáfha 12 Èkh ;=, fk!ld 37 lg wdikak m%udKhlg wod, wdrlaIdj ,nd§ we;s njhs'

fk!ldj,g wdrlaIdj iemhsfï lghq;= kdúl yuqodj u.ska lsisÿ .eg¿jlska f;drj isÿ lrk nj wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfha Wmfoia mßÈ wejka.dâ iud.u i;= wú wdhqO Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodj fj; ,nd .kq ,enqKs'

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