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;reKhka fofofkl=
;reKshlg myr fok isÿùfï i;H l;dj


fï Èkj, m%isoaêhg m;aj we;s ;reKhka fofofkl= ;reKshlg myr fok o¾Yk we;=<;a isÿùu iïnkaOfhka fjkiau mqj;la fï jk úg jd¾;d ù ;sfnkjd'

fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl rejka .=Kfialr mjikafka tu ùäfhdafõ myrlEug ,lajk ;reKsh iy wehg myrfok ;reKhd we;=¿ wfkla mqoa.,hska Bfha rd;%Sfha lgqkdhl fmd,sia ia:dkhg iafjÉPdfjka bÈßm;a jQ njhs'

fuu isÿùu 2014 j¾Ifha fkdjeïn¾ ui 15jk Èk miajre 1g muK lgqkdhl ud¥j m%foaYfha ud¥j .. wi< § isÿjQjla njhs tu isoaêhg iïnkaO mqoa.,hska fmd,Sishg mjid we;af;a' fuu ùäfhdafõ myrlEug ,laj ;eke;a;sh .,a.uqj m%foaYfha mÈxÑ nj;a" weh lgqkdhl m%foaYfha we.¿ï lïy,l fiaúldjla jYfhka fiajh lrkq ,nkjd' fuu ldka;djg myrfok ;eke;a;d wrKdhl m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejl= fjk nj;a Tyq wef.a fmïj;d o jkjd' Tjqka fofokd bÈßfha§ újdy .súi .ekSug o kshñ; nj o weh úiska fmd,Sishg mjid ;sfnkjd'

flfia fj;;a fuu ùäfhdaj wka;¾cd,hg uqodyeÍu isÿj ;sfnkafka wod< isÿùu jk Èkfha th cx.u ÿrl:khlska ùäfhda .; l< ;reKhd uE; Èkhl§ th wÆ;ajeähd lsÍu ioyd tla;rd fjf<o ie<lg ,nd§ ;sfnkjd' tys fiajh l< mqoa.,fhl= úiska fuu ùäfhdaj ,ndf.k iudc cd, fjíwäú j, uqodyßkakg we;s njghs meñKs,slrejka úiska fmd,Sishg mjid we;af;a'

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