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weußldjg r.aì W.kajk 
,dxlsl ;reKsh

weußldfõ le,sf*dakshd úYajúoHd,fha r.aì mqyqKqldÍ;ajhg Y%S ,dxflah iïNjhla we;s ;reKshl m;al< nj tu úYajúoHd,h wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

weh kñka k;dId fmf¾rdh'

óg fmr weh io¾ka le,sf*dakshd .%s*ska lKavdhfï iydh mqyqKqlre Oqrfha lghq;= lr we;s w;r weh w;aoelSï nyq, l%Säldjls'

k;dId le,sf*dakshd úYajúoHd,fha wdÈYsIHdjl fukau" tu úYajúoHd,Sh r.aì lKavdhu jir 10la muK ksfhdackh lr we;'

ta w;r weh jir ;=kla lKavdhfï kdhl;ajfhao lghq;= lr ;sfnk nj ioyka'

jir 15 l muK ld,hl isg r.aì l%Svdj yd iïnkaO ù isák k;dId" weußldfõ jeäu ld,hla r.aì l%Svd l< l%Säldj f,iskao iïudkhg md;% ù ;sfí'

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