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oUq,af,a nexl=jla
w;a fndaïnhla fmkajd
fld,a, ldmq yeá fukak
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fndaïnhla fmkajd nexl= fiajlhka ìhjoaod oUq,a, k.rfha msysá fm!oa.,sl nexl=jlska remsh,a y;a,laI wkQ y;aoyil uqo,la fld,a,ld nexl= l<ukdlre m%dK wemhg .ksñka Tyqo /f.k fld,a,lre m,dhEfï isoaêhla iïnkaOfhka oUq,a, fmd,sish úfYaI úu¾Ykhla wdrïN lr ;sfí'

idudkH mqoa.,hl= f,i nexl=jg meñK fld,a,lre w;afndaïnhla fmkajd tys isá wdrlaIl ks,OdÍka yd nexl= fiajl fiaúldjka ìh joaod fï fld,a,lEu lr we;s nj fmd,sish mjihs'
Bfha ^13od& WoEik 10g muK fï ;eke;a;d uqLjdvula jeks hula me,| nexl=j we;=<g idudkH .kqfokqlrejl= fuka meñK tljr fndaïnhla w;e;sj nexl=fõ uqo,a ljqkagrfha isá ks,Odßksh ìh lr fï uqo, fld,a,ld nexl=fõl<ukdlreo ìh.kajd Tyqo m%dK wemhg .ksñka Tyq iuÕ ;%sfrdao r:hl keÕ m,df.dia we;ehs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d mejeiSh'

nexl=fõ .kqfokq lghq;= wdrïNfha§ nexl=jg we;=¿ ù we;s fld,a,lre miqj w;afndaïnhla fmkajd fiajlhka yd wdrlaIl ks,OdÍka ìh.kajd uqo,a fld,a, lEfuka miq nexl=fõ l<ukdlre meyerf.k nexl=fjka msg;g meñK miqj nexl=j bÈßmsg .d,a lr ;snQ l=,S ;%sfrdao r:hlg nexl= l<ukdlre kxjdf.k m,df.dia we;' k.rhg lsf,daóg¾ ;=kla muK ÿßka msysá m%foaYhl§ fld,a,lre nexl= l<ukdlre ;%sfrdao r:fha isáh§u thska nei f.dia we;s njo fmd,sish mjihs'

fld,a,lre l<ukdlre kxjdf.k .sh ;%Sù,a r:fha ßheÿre jk iór nKavdr isoaêh iïnkaOfhka udOH fj; woyia olajñka fufia mejeiSh'

zks,amdg lñihla we|,d fifrmamq folla od,d uqL jdvula odf.k ysáh mqoa.,fhla nexl=fõ uy;a;fhla tlal t<shg wdjd' wkqrdOmqr mdrg huq lsõjd' ug lsõjd wkqrdOmqr mdrg odkak lsh,d' nexl=fõ uy;a;hd ysgmq ksid ug ielhla ys;=fKa keye' nexl=fõ islshqßá flfkla ;%Sù,a tl <Õg weú,a, lsõjd fï uy;a;hd od,d hkak lsh,d' kE tfyu lrorhla lrkafka kE lsh,d ug ;%Sù,a tl .kak lsõjd' ug ù,a tfla hk .uka remsh,a odyla ^re'1"000& uf.a idlal=jg oeïud' nq,d., biafldaf,a myqfjklï .sys,a,d neye,d Bg miafia wr mqoa.,hd uy;a;hd,a,d odkak lsõjd' ;%Sù,a tfla wdmiq tk .uk ;uhs nexl=fõ uy;a;hd lsõfõ i,a,s j.hla fld,a,ld,d ta mqoa.,hd hkjd lsh,dz' hehs ;%sfrdao ßheÿre iór nKavdr uy;d mejeiSh'

isoaêh iïnkaOfhka oUq,a, iyldr fmd,sia wêldß lu,a mqIaml=udr uy;df.a Wmfoia u; oUq,a, m%Odk uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIl idrdkd;a iurfldaka uy;df.a fufyhùu u; úfYaI fmd,sia lKavdhula mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'

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