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fld<U jrdh k.rh
bÈßhg lrf.k hEug
ckm;sf.a leue;a;

oekg bÈlsÍï w;aysgqjd we;s fld<U jrdh k.r ixj¾Ok jHdmD;sh Ökh iu. tlaj bÈßhg lrf.k hdug leue;af;ka miqjk nj ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d mjid ;sfí'

ckdêm;sjrhd fï nj i|yka lr we;af;a Èjhskg meñK isák Ökfha úfYaI ksfhdað; fukau trg Wm úfoaY weu;s ,shq fikañka uy;d iu. wo fmrjrefõ meje;s idlÉPdjl§h'

fuu idlÉPdfõ§ forg w;r oaúmd¾Yaúl in|;d ;r lr .ekSu iïnkaOfhka wjOdkh fhduq ù we;s nj Ök udOH jd¾;d lrhs'

tu jd¾;dj,g wkQj Y%S ,xld rch Ökh iu. mj;akd in|;d ;jÿrg;a j¾Okh lr .ekSug leue;af;ka miqjk nj ffu;%smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sjrhd Ök Wm úfoaY weu;sjrhdg mjid we;'

wfußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 1'4l úhoñka bÈlsÍï wrUd w;ru. k;r lr we;s fld<U jrdh k.r ixj¾Ok jHdmD;sh h<s Ök rch iu. taldnoaOj wdrïN lsÍug leue;af;ka miqjk nj Y%S ,xld ckdêm;sjrhd mjid we;ehs o tu jd¾;dj, i|ykah'

l,dmSh yd cd;Hka;r foaYmd,k lafIa;%h ;=< Y%S ,xldfõ ljr fjkialï isÿjqjo Ökh Y%S ,xldfõ ióm ñ;=frl= f,i l%shdlrk nj tys§ trg Wm úfoaY weu;sjrhd mjid ;sfí'

tfiau Ök ckdêm;sf.a Y%S ,xld ixpdrfha;a Y%S ,xld ckdêm;sf.a Ök ixpdrfha§;a we;s lr .;a tl.;d wkQj lghq;= lsÍu iïnkaOfhka o fuu idlÉPdj,§ wjOdkh fhduqj we;ehs Ök udOH jd¾;d jeäÿrg;a wkdjrKh lrhs'
-wo forK- 

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