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mdkÿr msysá iïm;a nexl=j
uxfld,a, lE ;reKhd f.a

bf.k .kak i,a,s ke;s
ksid nexl= uxfld,a, lEjd

mdkÿr msysá iïm;a nexl=j fj; meñK uqo,a uxfld,a, lE ielldr ;reKhd reishdfõ fudialõ úYajúoHd,fha ffjoH YsIHfhl= f,i wOHdmkh yodrd bÈß wOHdmk lghq;= i|yd uqo,a fkdue;slu fya;=fjka kej; Y‍%S ,xldjg meñKs nj fmd,sishg i|yka lr ;sfnkjd'

wOHdmk lghq;=j,g wjYH uqo,a fkdue;sùu fya;=fjka ;uka nexl= fld,a,h isÿl< nj fmd,sish yuqfõ mdfmdÉpdrKh lr we;s fuu ;reKhd jeämqr m‍%Yak lsÍïj,§ mjid we;af;a óg fmr wjia:d lsysmhl§u nexl= fld,a,hla isÿlsÍug W;aidy l< kuq;a th wid¾:l jQ njhs'

fmf¾od miajrefõ fuu ;reKhd nexl=fõ uqo,a ljqkagrh fj; f.dia fiajfha ksr;j isá ks,Odßkshg wk;=re w.jd ;snqfKa ,laI 5 l uqo,la ;ukag ,ndfkdÿkfyd;a fjä ;nk njghs'

tfukau" uqo,a ,nd .ekSug njg y.jd Tyq wehg ,ndÿka uqo,a ,ÿmf;a o fjä ;nk nj igyka lr ;sfnkjd' 

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