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leìkÜ‌" rdcH weue;s,d 30 lg
hk tk ux kE''

f.dvke.s,s fidhd.ekSfï w¾nqohl

wud;HdxY i|yd f.dvke.s,s fidhd.; fkdyelsj leìkÜ‌ iy rdcH weue;sjre ;sylg wdikak ixLHdjla‌ oeä w¾nqoldÍ ;;a;ajhlg m;aj isák nj wdKa‌vqfõ m%ldYlfhla‌ mejiSh'

fuu weue;sjre ishÆ fokd ;u wud;HdxY msysgqùu i|yd f.dvke.s,s fidhkafka fld<U k.rh ;=<ska ùu ksid fuu ;;a;ajh ygf.k we;ehs o fyf;u jeäÿrg;a m%ldY lf<ah'
wud;HdxY i|ydu bÈl< n;a;ruq,a, fi;aisßmdh kj f.dvke.s,a, o l,a ;shd iuyr weue;sjreka úiska fjkalrf.k we;s ksid fiiq weue;sjrekag tys bvlv fkdue;s nj o by; m%ldYlhd lSfõh'

fndfyda weue;sjreka fld<U yd Bg wdikakj ;u wud;HdxY wdrïN lsÍu i|yd fidhkafka mqoa.,sl f.dvke.s,s nj o ta i|yd lsisÿ fgkav¾ le|ùula‌ fuf;la‌ lr ke;ehs o fyf;u m%ldY lf<ah'

fï w;r wud;HdxYj,g úIhhka mejÍu iïnkaOfhka leìkÜ‌ weue;sjreka iy rdcH weue;sjreka w;r o fï jk úg .egqï ks¾udKh ù ;sfnk nj Tyq mejiqfõh'

leìkÜ‌ weue;sjrhd úiska wod< wud;HdxY hgf;a we;s jeo.;a úIhhka" wdh;k iy uKa‌v, Tjqka hg;g mjrdf.k we;ehs o ;ukag lsisÿ j.lSula‌ ,nd § ke;ehs o rdcH weue;sjre fpdaokd lrk nj o lS fyf;u we;eï rdcH weue;sjrekag ysñ jdyk mjd leìkÜ‌ weue;sjreka úiska mjrdf.k we;ehs o lSh'

fï ksid rdcH weue;sjre .Kkdjla‌ oeä l,lsÍulska hq;=j miqjk nj o leìkÜ‌ weue;sjreka úiska mj;ajk mqj;am;a idlÉPd i|yd o rdcH weue;sjrekag le|ùula‌ fkdlrk nj lSh'


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