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oeßhf.a mshd;a DNA mÍlaIKhg

fiahd oeßh >d;kh iïnkaOfhka isÿlrk mÍlaIKj, bÈß lghq;= fldKavhdf.a whshdf.a ã'tka'ta jd¾;dj ksl=;a l< miq ljr w;lg yefrkq we;soehs ;SrKh jkq we;s nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d lshhs'

isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ielmsg w;awvx.=jg .;a fldKavhd mÍlaIK w;r;=r§ mdfmdÉpdrKhla l< muKska wmrdOldrfhla fyda >d;lfhla lshd mejish fkdyels nj;a" th jd¾;d lsÍfï§ udOHh o ie,ls,su;a úh hq;= nj;a" ta uy;d lshd isáfhah'
fld<U§ wo oyj,a meje;s udOH yuqjl§ ta uy;d fï nj mejiSh'

fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka uq,§ w;awvx.=jg .;a isiqjd yd wfkla iellrejka ksoyia lr we;s nj;a" isiqjdg wh;a hï hï foam< wia:dk.; ùu fukau Tyqg isÿj we;ehs lshk myr§u .ek niakdysr m<d; Ndr fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrfhl=f.a fufyhùu hgf;a fmd,siam;sjrhdf.a Wmfoia u; fjku mÍlaIKhla isÿlrk njo fyf;u lshd isáfhah'

fï w;r fiahd ifoõñ oeßhf.a mshd ãtkata cdk mÍlaIKhlg n÷ka lrkakehs ñkqjkaf.dv ufyaia;%d;a ã ta rejkam;srK uy;d wo ^08& ksfhda. lf<ah'

ryia fmd,sish fudaiula u.ska kvqj le|jd úu¾Yk i|yd mshdf.a ãtkafka mÍlaId l< hq;= nj;a" ta i|yd ksfhda.hla fok f,i;a b,a,d isáfhah'

fiahdf.a mshd o wêlrKfha fmkS isá w;r ;udf.a ãtkata mÍlaId lsÍug Tyq leue;a; m< lf<ah'

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