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fiahdf.a >d;khg w;awvx.=jg .;a
iuka ch,;a jir 6 la
nkaOkd.dr .;j isá wfhla

fiahdf.a >d;lhd iuka ch,;a njg
m%n, idla‍Ishla‌
- fmd,sish lshhs

uy;a wdkafoda,khg ;=vqÿka fldgfoKshdj fiahd ifoõñ oeßh lDDr wkaoñka >d;kh lrkq ,enqfõ fldKa‌vhdf.a fidfydhqrd jk iuka ch,;a kue;a;d njg ;yjqre jk m%n, idla‍Ishla‌ ,eî we;s nj fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dk wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

iuka ch,;af.a ã' tka' ta' jd¾;dj o ñkqjkaf.dv wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;h' fiahd oeßhg w;jr lr wehg lDDr jOysxid muqKqjd >d;kh lr tys jro ;u fidfydhqrd jk fldKa‌vhd msg mjrd iuka ch,;a fíÍ heug W;aiy l< nj fï jk úg wkdjrKh ù we;'
úúO wmrdO iïnkaOfhka iuka ch,;a kue;a;d jir 6 lg wdikak ld,hla‌ nkaOkd.dr .;j isá wfhls' fudyq fiahd >d;kh ish fidfydhqrd msg mjrd fmd,sish o fkdu. hjd ;snQ njo fy<sù ;sfí' fiahd >d;k isoaêh iïnkaOfhka wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j uq,skau w;awvx.=jg .kq ,enqfõ fldKa‌vhdf.a fidfydhqrd jk iuka ch,;ah'

tys§ Tyqf.ka m%Yak lsÍfï§ fy<s jQ f;dr;=re u; fldKa‌vhd o w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sìKs' tfy;a wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j §¾> f,i m%Yak lrf.k hoa§ fiahd >d;khg iuka ch,;af.a iïnkaO;djla‌ ;sfnk njg iel my< úh'

iuka ch,;a ã' tka' ta' mÍla‍IKhla‌ i|yd bÈßm;a lf<a bka miqjh'

-fyauka; rkaÿKq-

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