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fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag
t,a, jQ n,mEï ksid
fiahd >d;kh mÍlaIK
wjq,a jqkd

fiahd ifoõñ ÈhKshf.a >d;kh ms<sn| uQ,sl fmd,sia mÍlaIK wjq,a ùug fya;=j tu >d;kfhka miqj foaYmd,k{hka" udOH" Wiia fmd,sia ks,OdÍka we;=¿ fndfyda msßia tu mÍlaIK meje;ajQ my, uÜgfï fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag l< nrm;, n,mEu nj rdcH wud;H md,s; rxf.a nKavdr uy;d mjihs'

weiska ÿgq idlaIs fkdue;s fujeks lDDr >d;khl§ jeo.;a jkafka úoHd;aul idlaIs nj mjik weu;sjrhd iellrejka fidhd úoHd;aul idlaIs blaukska ;yjqre lsÍu i|yd YS‍% ,xldfõ wmrdO úi£fï fh§ isák ks,OdÍka yg ;dlaIKsl myiqlï b;d wju njo i|yka lrhs'
ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a md,k iuh ;=, iudcfha l;d nyg ,lajQ fujeks wmrdO j,g ielmsg w;awvx.=jg .;a iellrejka wdhqo fmkaùug f.dia fmd,siSfhka fjä ld ureuqjg m;aúï" iellrejka udxpq iys;j .x.d j,g mek ish Èú kid .ekSï jeks isoaëka nyq, jQ njo i|yka lrk rxf.a nKavdr uy;d tjeks isÿùï zzhymd,khZZ ;=, kej; isÿlsßug fkdyels ksid fmd,sish w;ska fujeks wjq,a isÿfjk njo lshhs'

rdcH wud;Hjrhd fufiao mjihs''' ldf,a fï jf.a oreKq wmrdOhla jqkdu lõre yß tflla w;awvx.=jg .kakjd' ñksyg úreoaOj idlals yokjd' Bg miafia ielldrhd wdhqo fmkakkak tlal hkjd' tfyu ke;akï Trejl ke.,d hoa§ ielldrhd udxpq msáka f..a mkskjd' fï jf.a flá l%u yryd ;uhs ta ldf,a wmrdOldrhka lshk whg ovqjï ÿkafka'

fï jf.a flá l%u j,g ;uhs wfma fmd,sia ks,Odßkq;a" ck;dj;a we;=¨ ish¨ fokd;a yqrefj,d ysáfha' oeka tajd nEfka' kshu úÈyg idlaIs iys;j wmrdOlrejka w,a,d.kak wfma whg ;du yqre keye'

fï isoaêfha§ mÍlaIK meje;ajQ my, ks,OdÍkag oeä n,mEï t,a, jqKd' ta n,mEï t,a, jqfka foaYmd,k{hkaf.ka udOHj,ska ta Wiia fmd,sia ks,OdÍkaf.ka' fï fya;= ksid;a wr l,ska mQ¾jdo¾Y § ;snQ wmrdO úi£fï zzfIdaÜ lÜZZ j,g hkak fkdyels ùu;a ksid fuys uQ,sl mÍlaIKk wjq,a jqKd' ta ksjerÈj úoHdkql+,j lghq;= lrkak .sh ksid'
-,xld iS ksjqi-

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