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isiqúhg .eyqfõ kE
ke.sÜgqjd ú;rhs
- fmd,sia wêldÍ pïmsl isßj¾Ok
(Photos + Video)

myr§u .ek udkj ysñlï fldñifuka mÍlaIKhla

w;lska negka fmd,a,la o" w;lska uq.=rla o /.;a fmd,sia ks,Orhl= Woaf>daIKfha ksr; jqKq iriú YsIHdjlg myr fok whqre oelafjk mska;+r mqj;am;aj, m< lr we;;a tjeks myr§ula fkdjQ nj;a" tu ks,Orhd jeà isá YsIHdj ke.sgùug W;aidy .;a nj;a fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ pïmsl isßj¾Ok uy;d mjihs'

ysig fmd,a,la ;ndf.k myr fok wdldrfhka isákafka wehsoehs udOHfõÈfhl= weiQ úg Tyq mejiQfha myr §ula isÿùula fkdjQ nj ;ud j.lSfuka m%ldY lrk njhs'

fuh ta isiqúh ke.sgqùug lrk W;aidyhla nj o Tyq lSfõh' fmd,sish flfrys oafõYh we;s lsÍug mqj;am;a .;a W;aidyhla nj o isßj¾Ok uy;d lSfõh'

zzwo ,xld§m mqj;amf;a m<lr we;s PdhdrEmh iïnkaO ta isoaêh we;sfjoa§ uu mqoa.,slju t;k ysáhd" we;a;gu ta isiqúhg t;kska bj;ajkak lsh,d ;uhs lsõfõ" kuq;a negka fmd,a, fya;=fjka fkdu. hjk iq¿ úÈyg tal myr §ula f,i yqjd olaj,d ;sfhkjdZZ

fuys§ fmd,sisfhka lsisÿ jrola isÿ jqfha keoaohs udOHfõ§ka úuiq úg fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s mQð;a chiqkaor uy;d mejiqfõ fmd,sish 100] wx. iïmq¾K fkdjk nj ;uka ms<s.kakd njhs'

zzt;k ysgmq wfma ks,OdÍka 200 fokdu wx. iïmq¾Kj t;k yeisrekd lsh, ug lshkak neye" hï ks,Odßfhla iSudj blaujd l%shd lr,d ;sfhkj kï ta i|yd mÍlaIKhla wms lrkjd" tafla iqÿ yqKq .ykak wms ,Eia;s keyeZZ

fuu isoaêh .ek mÍlaIKhla lsÍug udkj ysñlï fldñiu ;SrKh lr we;'

tu m%ydrh fy<dolsñka Bfha Èkfha iriú isiqka fukau Wiia ;dlaIK wdh;k isiqka o we;eï ia:dkj, úfrdaO;d oelaùh'

Pdhdrem % - ,xld§m

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