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.sh rcfha f,dlalkag
wh;a úfoia nexl= .sKqï
8la .ek weu;s rdð; fy<slrhs''

tl .sKqul 1'086 ì,shka'
wks;a .sKqfï 1'8 ì,shka'
;j .sKqul ´j¾ 500 ñ,shka'

b;ska wms lsõfõ keyefka thhs lsh,d'
thd fudlgo mkskafka' rcfha m%n,hskag wh;a úfoaY nexl= .sKqï 8 la ms<sn|j f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù we;s nj iu leìkÜ m%ldYl wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mjikjd'

wud;Hjrhd ioyka lf<a" fvd,¾ ;ekam;= ms<snoj o;a; lsisúfgl;a jika l< fkdyels njhs' leìkÜ ;SrK oekqï §fï m%jD;a;s idlÉPdfõ§ wud;Hjrhd fuu lreKq wkdjrKh l<d'

tys§ rcfha m%n,hskag wh;a úfoia nexl= .sKqï ms<sn|j udOHfõ§ka ke.= mekhlg ms<s;=re ÿka wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d"

;uqkakdkafia,dg u;l we;s .sh ckjdßfha§ uu ´l bÈßm;a l,d' tajdfha jd¾;d ;uhs fï tkafka' tljqkaÜia 8 la oekg wms ksrdjrKh lrf.k ;sfhkjd' ta ksid wms okakjd ljqo lsh,d ta tljqkaÜj, whs;slrejka'

kdu,a rdcmlaI uka;%Sjrhd Tn;=ud bÈßm;a lrk Th fpdaokd m%;slafIam lr,d ;sfhkjd nexl= .sKqula keye lsh,d'

b;ska wms lsõfõ keyefka thhs lsh,d' thd fudlgo mkskafka' ;j rdcmlaI,d bkakjdfka' wks;a rdcmlaI,d lgjy,d ta rdcmlaI ú;rla wehs l;d lrkafka'

thd lshkafka thdg;a thdf.a mjqf,a lsisu flfklag;a úfoaY nexl=j, .skqula keye lsh,'

Tõ b;ska wms tal n,uqflda' mÍlaIKh lrf.k hkjdfka' uqo,a m%udKh fldÉpro lsh,d wms n,d.uq t;kska' tl .sKqul 1'086 ì,shka' wks;a .sKqfï 1'8 ì,shka' ;j .sKqul ´j¾ 500 ñ,shka'

ta tljqkaÜ íf,dla lr,do ;sfhkafka oeka'

wms b,a,Su lr,d oeka kS;suh l%shdud¾. .kakjd' tajd Tlafldu iSia lrkak' fïjd Tlafldu fvd,¾ g%dkaia welaIka' fï ishÆu fvd,¾ g%dkaia welaIka weußlka f*âr,a nEkala tlg jd¾;d fjkjd' weußlka ksfhdað; lKavdhu ,xldjg wdmq fj,dfõ lsõjd yeu fvd,¾ tllau wmsg mq¿jka fldfya ;ekam;a l<;a fydhd .kak' oeka ta f.d,af,da tajd ish,a,u wmg jd¾;d lr,d ;sfhkjd'

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