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rg fjkiafj,d lsh, ysf;kjd
ÿjf.a Ñ;%mgfha ux.,
o¾Ykhg ,xldjg tkjd'''
-ä,dks wfíj¾Ok

isxy, iskudfõ isá ckm%sh iqkaor ks<shla jQ ä,dks wfíj¾Ok jir 20l muK ld,hla mÈxÑj isákafka wfußldfõ ksõfhdalaj,hs' ish ieñhd jk .dhl iuka mqIamj¾K;a" lúId ldúkaÈ fma%unkaÿ ÿj yd lú÷ lúIal fma%unkaÿ mq;d iuÛ tys Ôj;a jk ä,dks jir 13lg fmr jrla ujqìug meñKshdh'

ish ifydaor k¿ ,d,a ùrisxy wOHlaIKh lrk ‘isx. upx pd,s’ Ñ;%mgfha m%Odk pß;h rÛmEug ;u ÈhKsh jk lùId ,xldjg tjQ ä,dks oeka lshkafka tu Ñ;%mgfha ux., o¾Ykh keröug mjqf,a ieu iu. ,xldjg tk njh'
foieïn¾j, Ñ;%mgh fmkakk nj ,d,a whshd lsõjd' t;fldg wms fiaru ,xldjg tkakhs ys;df.k bkafka'''” ä,dks lshhs'

lúId ldúkaÈ fma%unkaÿ b;d fyd¢ka tu Ñ;%mgfha rÛmE nj ,d,a ùrisxy lshhs' ä,dks  iuka ^u,ald& ujqmshkaf.a l,d yelshdjka wehg odhdo ùu wreuhla fkdfõ' wef.a mshdf.a mshd jQ fiak fma%unkaÿ o rx.k Ys,amshl=j isáfhah'

ä,dksf.a uj ^ud,skS chùr& f.a jeäuy,a fidfydhqrd jQfha úu,O¾u chùrhkah' uydpd¾h ik;a kkaoisß .ehQ uq,au .S;h jQ ‘weúÆkq .sksoe,a’ .S;h rpkd lf<a úu,O¾u chùrhs' mrïmrdfõ l,d Wreuh lúId ldúkaÈ wkd.;hg /f.k hkq we;'

 wïud lsßn;af.dvÈ yÈis wk;=rlg ,lafj,d uy frdayf,a yÈis wk;=re jdÜgqfõ ysáhd' oeka u,a,sf. f.or m%;sldr .kakjd' tkak neß jqK;a ta .ek fydh, n,, l< hq;= foaj,a l<d'''” ä,dks lshhs'

ä,dks wfíj¾Ok rÛmE i;Hð;a udbáfma wOHlaIKh l< ‘fndrÈh fmdl=K’ Ñ;%mgfha bl=;a rch iufha mej;s jdrKfhka ksoyia ù miq.shod ;sr.; úh' id¾:l Ñ;%mghla f,i fma%laIl  úpdrl mei­eiqï Bg ,enqKs' ta .ek ä,dks i;=gq fjhs'

mrlal= fj,d yß ‍fndrÈh fmdl=K fmkakSu fyd|hs' uf.a rÛmEï .ek;a f.dvla wh fyd| lsõjd' ta Ñ;%mgfhka miafia m%o¾Ykh fjkak uf.a Ñ;%mg kE' pkao%r;ak udmsá.uf.a ‘ilsi| mì,sia’ fg,skdgHfhka miafia fg,skdgHhl rÛmEfj;a kE'''

“,xldjg foieïn¾j,È wdju wdmyq rÛmdkak ,enqfKd;a@

n,uq' iqÿiq pß;hla ,enqfKd;a rÛmdkjd'”

wfußldfõ l,d lghq;=j,g hk wfma Ys,ams Ys,amskshka fndfyduhla ä,dksj yuqjkakgo wu;l lrkafka ke;' fï jif¾ ‘ߧ /hla’ m%ix.hg tys .sh k¿ ks<s msßi iu. tlajkakg ,eîu .ek ä,dks i;=gq fjhs' ieñhd iuka iu. tys m%ix. wjia:dj, .S .hkakgo ä,dks yqrej isákakSh'

“,xldj fjkia fj,d lsh, ys;fkjo@

Tõ' rg fjkiafj,d lsh, ysf;kjd' ta;a Ñ;%mg tfyu yefokjd wvqhs fkao@ m%Yak wvq fjkfldg kï wdmyq ñksiaiq l,dj;a tlal tl;= fjhs lsh, ys;fkjd'''” ta ä,dks wfíj¾Okf.a woyihs' Face Book u.ska ks;r ,xldfõ ñ;=re ñ;=ßhka yuqjk weh wm iu. tlajQfhao tu.sks' foieïn¾fha ÈhKshf.a ux., Ñ;%mgh ;sr.; jk úg ujqìug tk wehg;a wef.a fma%laIlhka fjkqfjka h<s rÛmdkakg wjia:dj ,efíjdhs m;uq'


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