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ia;%S ¥IKh iy wmpdrh
iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,en isá
hqo yuqod fid,aodÿjka
y;r fokl=g jir 25l
nrm;< isr o`vqjï kshu lrhs''

ia;%S ¥IKh iy wmpdrh iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,en isá Y%S ,xld hqo yuqodfõ fid,aodÿjka y;r fofkla jir úismy jk ne.ska nrm;, jev we;sj isr o`vqjï j,g hg;a flßK' kvq ;Skaÿj m%ldYhg m;a lrk ,oafoa hdmkh uyêlrK úksiqre udkslaljdi.¾ b,xfp,shka úisks'

2010 jif¾ ls,sfkdÉÑfha úYajuvq m%foaYfha § ldka;djka fofokl= w;jrhg ,la lsÍu iïnkaOfhkqhs tu fid,aodÿjka y;r fokd fpdaokd ,en isáfha'

tlu ksjil Ôj;a jQ ldka;djka fofokl= w;ßka tla l;la ¥IKh lsÍfï jrog fid,aodÿjkag jir úis my ne.ska isr o`vqjï kshu l< hdmkh uydêlrKh" úkaÈ; ldka;djka fofokdg ms,sfj,ska remsh,a ,laI my iy ,laIh ne.ska jkaÈ f.jk f,i;a kshu lf<ah'

tu jkaÈ uqo,a fkdf.jkafka kï pqÈ;hkag ;j;a jir my ne.ska isr o`vqjï kshu flfrk njhs hdmkh uyêlrK úksiqre udkslaljdi.¾ b,xfp,shka lshd isáfha'

ish ;Skaÿj m%ldYhg m;a lrñka uydêlrK úksYaphldrjrhd lshd isáfha hqoaOh ksu ùfuka miqj tjeks wmrdOhla isÿ lsÍu hqo yuqodfõ f.!rjh flf<iSula jQ njhs'

uyd hqo iuhl§ ia‌;%S;ajh wdrla‌Id lrf.k isá ldka;djka fofokl=g n,y;aldrfhka , w;jr lsÍu ;=<ska Tjqkag b;d nrm;< widOdrKhla‌ isÿfldg we;ehso ishÆu jerÈ lsisÿ ielhlska f;drj Tmamqù we;s neúka fuu o`vqju kshu lrk njo uydêlrK úksiqrejrhd jeäÿrg;a mejeiSh'

mKaä; f.or Ydka; iqNisxy" m;srK nxvdr ms‍%hka; l=udr" ä'OkqIal mqIaml=udr" fldaìf.a rd<f.a f.or OkqIal ms‍%h,d,a r;akdhl hk hqO yuqod finÆka fj; fuf,i o`vqjï kshu jQ njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

pqÈ;hka y;r fokdf.ka tl ;eke;a;l= w;awvx.=jg .ekSug fkdyels ù we;s w;r Tyq fkdue;sjhs kvqj úNd.hg f.k ;snqKs'

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