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uyskaof.a iy lírd,f.a
wkqoekqfuka rka fgdka 40la
fydfrka úl=K,d

ysgmq uy nexl= wêm;s wð;a ksjdâ lírd‍,af.a wkque;sh iys;j ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a wkqoekqu we;sj iellghq;= w;rueÈhka lKavdhula yryd rka fug%sla fgdka 40la Y%S ,xldfõ ;sfnk cmka iud.ula jk iSudiys; Japuda Holdings iud.u yryd cmdkfha iSudiys; Suisse Securities úl=Kd we;s njg rdjhg ms<s.; yels idlaIs ,eî ;sfí'
rka lsf,dajla úl=Kd we;af;a wefußldkq fvd,¾ 46000lg' w;rueÈhkag f.jd ;sfnk fldñia uqo, rka lsf,dajla i|yd weußlka fvd,¾ 2000ls' fuu iuia; .kqfokqju isÿù ;sfnkafka b;d wúêu;a yd iellghq;= wdldrhgh'

fï fla'mS'f.ka fyda t,aààBfhka ,nd.;a rka úh yelsh' fuu .kqfokqfõ§ cmka iud.fï w;rueÈhd f,i l%shdlr we;af;a je,a,j;af;a .hd mdf¾ wxl 14 5$2 hk ,smskfha mÈxÑ rdcf.damd,a ld¾;Smka ^ye'm'wxl 833433342 V& h'

tys§ uy nexl=fõ w;rueÈhd f,i l%shdfldg we;af;a j;a;," ye|," m,a,sh j;a; mdf¾" wxl 77 ork ia:dkfha mÈxÑ iqmamhshd fidaufialrka ^ye'm'wxl 572573389 V& h' Tyq fuu .kqfokqfõ§ w;rueÈhd jYfhka ;ukag ,efnk fldñia uqo, iu fldgia f,i fnod .ekSu i|yd ;j;a mqoa.,hka 8 fofkl= iu. .súiqula we;s lrf.k ;sfí'

.súiqu ilia lr we;af;a iïm;a pñkao .uf.a kue;s kS;S{hdh' .súiqu wkqj tl mqoa.,fhl=g ,eìh hq;= fldgia fldñia uqo, remsh,a ñ,shk 750ls' Tjqka 8 fokdf.a kï yd nexl= .sKqï wxl fufiah'

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2' tka'jhs'iS'tia' l=udr" fldu¾I,a nexl=j y,dj;' .s' wxl 8430002649

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4' tÉ'tï'Ô'tia'fla' ‍fifkúr;ak" yegka keIk,a nexl=j" .,alsiai YdLdj" .s'wx-061020042575

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