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;d;a;d weu;s lsh, mq;d
f,dl= ñksfyla fjkafk keye
- p;=r fiakdr;ak

;d;a;f.a ku úl=Kd .;a
ch.%yKhla fkfjhs''

fujr md¾,sfïka;=jg f;aÍ m;ajqKq kjl uqyqKq w;ßka lgldr uka;%Sjrl= f,i p;=r fiakdr;ak ye¢kaúh yelshs'

rcfha m%n, wud;Hjrl= jk rdð; fiakdr;akf.a mq;%hd f,i p;=r fiakdr;ak foaYmd,kfha § fndfyda fokd y÷kd .;a;;a Tyq fujr md¾,sfïka;=jg f;aÍ m;ajkafka ;u mjqf,a n, fldgqj jk l¿;r Èia;%slalfhka fkdj .ïmy Èia;%slalfhka ùu úfYaI;ajhla'

zuu leu;shs udj p;=r úÈygu yÿkd .kakjg' ;d;a;d weu;s lsh, mq;d f,dl= ñksfyla fjkafk keyez ta fujr ue;sjrKhg Tyq fhdod .;a f;aud mghla' ckdêm;ajrKfha§ ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak fmdÿ wfmalaIlhd njg m;a lsÍug ;srh msgq mi idlÉPdj, § p;=r fiakdr;ak úYd, ld¾h Ndrhla bgq lr ;sfí'cd;sl fy< Wreufha w;=r,sfha r;k ysñhka msysgqjd .kakd ,o zmsú;=re fyglaz cd;sl iNdfõ f,alïjrhd Tyqhs'

Tyq m%cd;ka;%jd§ cd;sl ixúOdkh kue;s isú,a ixúOdkfha kdhl;ajh o orhs'

p;=r fiakdr;akg fujr ue;sjrKhg bÈßm;a ùug wjia:dj ,efnkafka wjika fudfydf;a§hs'
ta Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha yd cd;sl fy< Wreufha msßila tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iu. tlaj hymd,kh i|yd jQ tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK ìys lsÍu;a iu.hs' iufha p;=r fiakdr;ak ckm%sh jkafka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI iu. fn,sw;af;ka ;r. lr Tyq mrdchg m;a lrk njg ue;sjrKhg fmr Tyq l< wNsfhda.h ksidhs'

;ukag kqyqre .ïmy Èia;%slalhg wjika fudfydf;a f.dia ch.%yKh lsÍu wkfmalaIs; ch.%yKhla fkdfõoehs ììish úuiq úg p;=r fiakdr;ak uka;%Sjrhd mejiqfõ th tfia fkdjk njhs'


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