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Ykqøs kx.S f.a idukH oekqu .ek
ÈklaIs wlald ms<s;=re fohs' æ

miq.shod isri rEmjdysks kd,sldju.ska úldYh jQ jevigyykl§ fhdjqka .dhlfhl= jk oiqka uOqYdka iy m‍%shidoa mjqf,a nd,hd jk Ykqøs m‍%shidoa hk fofokd idudkH oekSu iïnkaOfhka wik ,o m%YaK j,g Tjqka ,ndÿka ms<s;=re wm óg fmr ,smshlska bosrsm;a flrsk '

oiqka uOqYdka f.ka ,xldfõ w. k.rh l=ulaoehs wik ,o mekhg ,xldfja w.kqjr uykqjr kï l, w;r tys yß ms<s;=r Ykqøsf.ka úuiQ úg weh mejiqfja ,xldfja w.kqjr fld<U jk njhs' bka wk;=rej Ykqøsf.a m‍%Yak jgfha YS‍% ,xldjg ksoyi ,enqKq j¾Ih weiq úg tu j¾Ih f,i weh ioyka lf,a 1964 j¾Ih njhs' Èkj, ,enqKq m%;spdr fya;=fjka Ykqøs fïjkúg ish f*ianqla .sKquo l%shdúrys; fldg we;s nj jd¾;d fõ'

fï iïnkaOj ÈklaIs m%shidoaf.a msgqfjys f*ianqla mßYS,lfhl= úiska m,lrk ,o woyilg weh úiska ms<s;=re ,nd§ ;snqfka fuf,isks'

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