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u¾úkag tfrysj FCID hhs

n,y;aldrfhkau wod< wxY ìh.kajd
fydr Tmamq ;kd
,laI úismy ne.ska ìï len,s
;sia tlla fydr ryfia úl=Kd

ysgmq weue;s uúka is,ajd uy;d ld,fha§ le,Ksh m%dfoaYSh iNdjg wh;a bvula len,sfldg lvd fydr Tmamq yod úl=Kd remsh,a ‍fldaá .Kkl uqo,la wh:d f,i Wmhd we;ehs fld<U uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdihg Bfha ^26& meñKs,a,la bÈßm;a ù ;sfí'

fuu bvu m%dfoaYSh iNdj u.ska uyck;djf.a m%fhdackh i|yd hï ixj¾Ok lghq;a;lg fhoùug iQodkï lr ;sìh§ fufia fydr ryfia úl=Kd we;af;a uúka is,ajd uy; m%Odk f.da,fhl= jQ isx.mamQ¾ ir;a~ kue;a;d iuÛ tl;= ù nj isÿ lrk ,o meñKs,af,a ;jÿrg;a i|yka fõ' le,Ksh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ udj;we< m%foaYfha msysá fuu bvu k.r ie,iqula hgf;a WoHdkhla ;ekSugo iQodkï lr ;sî we;'

,laI úismy ne.ska ìï len,s ;sia tlla fï wdldrfhka fydr ryfia úl=Kd we;af;a n,y;aldrfhkau wod< wxY ìh.kajd fydr Tmamq ;kd njo wkdjrKh ù we;'

;jo fuu bvï fï wdldrfhka úl=Kd we;af;a ys;j;a lKavdhï j,g njo ;jÿrg;a wkdjrKh fõ'

lsisjl=g;a fuu jxpdj iïnkaOfhka lsisÿ ia:dkhlg meñK,a,la lsÍug ;rï bvlvla o ,eî ke;s w;r miqj m%foaYjdiSka fï iïnkaOj l;d lsÍug mjd tu ld,fha§ ìhla ;snQ njo oek.kakg ,eî we;'

le,Ksh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ ysgmq uka;%Sjrfhl= jk ,laIauka úf–isß uy;d iy tï'mS' fmf¾rd hk wh fuu meñKs,a, bÈßm;a lrñka mjid isákafka m%foaYjdiSkag whs;s fuu bvu fï wdldrfhka jxpd iy.; f,i úlskSu iy isÿ l< uyd jxpdj iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIKhla mj;ajd óg iqÿiq kS;suh l%shdud¾. .kakd f,ihs'

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