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fjf,a iqodg urK ovqju

furg uyd mßudK u;ao%jH cdjdrïlrejl= f,i ie,flk .ïfmd< úodkf.a iuka; l=udr fkdfyd;a ,fjf,a iqodg urKSh oKavkh kshu lr ;sfí'
fyfrdhska .%Eï 7'06 la <Û ;ndf.k cdjdrï lsÍfï fpdaokdjkag jrolrejQ .ïm< úodkf.a iuka; l=udr fyj;a fjf,a iqodg fld<U uydêlrK úksiqre m%S;s moauka iQrfiak uy;d wo ^14& urKSh oKavkh kshu lf<ah'
ckdêm;sjrhd kshu lrk Èkhl iy fõ,djl je,slv nkaOkd.drh ;=<§ m%dKh ksreoaO jk;=re fjf,a iqodf.a fn,af,ka t,a,d ;eîug úksiqrejrhd jeäÿrg;a kshu lf<ah'

.,alsiai wêlrKh wi, m%foaYhl§ ú;a;slre fyfrdhska cdjdrï lrñka isá njg jQ fpdaokdjka meñKs,a, úiska idOdrK ielhlska f;drj Tmamq fldg we;ehs ;SrKh l< úksiqrejrhd fuf,i ú;a;slreg urK oඬqju mekùh'

fmd,sia u;ao%jH kdYl ld¾hxYhg ,enqKq f;dr;=rlg wkqj isÿl< jeg,Sul§ fjf,a iqod yd Tyqf.a ñ;=rl= w;awvx.=jg f.k ;snQ w;r ysrf.or we;sjQ le/,a,l§ Tyqf.a ñ;=rd ñhf.dia ;sìKs'
fuu isoaêhg wod< kvq úNd.fha§ fjf,a iqod idlals foñka ;u mshdg wh;a fmd,a bvulska ,enqKq fmd,a" wkakdis iy ì;a;r úl=Kd ;ud fmdai;l= jQ nj;a ;uka wl=re fkdokakd kuq;a ;u ore ;sfokd fld<U cd;Hka;r mdi,aj, wOHdmkh yodrk nj;a mejiSh'

fld<U yf;ka ukaÈr" fld<U uOHfha bvï fukau bkaOk msrjqïy,ao we;s ;ukag iqmsß kùk mkakfha jdyk we;s njo Tyq wêlrKh yuqfõ idlals foñka ms<s.;af;ah'

bÈßm;ajQ ishÆ idlals i,ld ne¨ úksiqrejrhd ú;a;slreg tfrys fpdaokd meñKs,a, úiska idOdrK ielhlska f;drj Tmamqlr we;ehs ;SrKh lrñka Tyqg urK oඬqju mekùh'
meñKs,a, fjkqfjka rcfha fcHIaG kS;s{ iqy¾Is fyar;a uy;añh fmkS isáhdh'

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