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fudìfg,a m%Odk úOdhl 
ks<Odßhdf.a fiajh w;aysgqjhs

fudìfg,a m%Odk úOdhl ks<Odßhdf.a fiajh w;aysgqùu wrnhd miq.shod meje;ajqkq Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï yd fudìfg,a wOHlaIl uKav,h yuqfõ§ .egqïldÍ ;;a;ajhla we;súh'

ckdêm;sjrK iufha uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a ue;sjrK jHdmdrhg fudìfg,a iud.fï uQ,H yd fN!;sl iïm;a ,ndÿka njg tys m%Odk úOdhl wOHlaIl rxð;a rEnisxy uy;dg fpdaokd keÛS ;sfnk fyhska wOHlaIl uKav,fha ks¾foaYh jQfha mÍlaIK lghq;= wjika jk f;la fiajd ;ykula rEnisxy uy;dg mekúh hq;= njhs'
fmd,sia uQ,H wmrdO úu¾IK tallho rEnisxy uy;d iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIK lghq;= isÿlrñka isák njo fuys§ i|yka úh'

kuq;a óg úfrdaOh m<l< Y%S,xld fg,sfldï m%Odk úOdhl ks<OdÍ mS'Ô'l=udrisxy uy;d" rEnisxy uy;dg fiajd ;ykula mekùfï lsisÿ wjYH;djla ke;ehs lshd isáfhah'kuq;a wOHlaIl uKav,fha wfkla idudðlhska Bg úreoaO ùfuka fomd¾Yjh w;r újdoh WKqiqï jpk yqjudrejlg fm/<sK'

jdoh iu:hlg m;alsÍug ta jk úg fg,sfldï wdh;kfhka msg;aj f.dia isá yÍka m%kdkaÿ wud;Hjrhd kej; le|jQ w;r Tyq meñK mÍlaIK lghq;= wjidk jk f;la rEnisxy uy;dg udi 3 l fiajd ;ykula mekùug fomd¾Yjh w;r tlÛ;djla we;slr .egqu iu:hlg m;alf<ah'

wud;Hjrhd msg;aj .sh jyd kej; .egqï weú,S .sfhah'rEnisxy uy;df.a jev ;yku jydu l%shd;aul l< hq;=hehs wOHlaIl uKav,h lshd isáho fg,sfldï iNdm;sjrhd mjid isáfha t i|yd jk ,shqu ;uka i÷od ksl=;a lrk njhs'

.egqu yuqfõ wOHlaIl uKav,fha idudðl ví,shq'fla'tÉ jE.msáh uy;d bka b,a,d wiaúh'

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