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.d,a, jrdhg meñK ;snQ
wejka.dâ kej .ek mÍlaIK
kdúl yuqodjg''

wúwdhqO 800 lg jvd /f.k .d,a, jrdhg meñK ;snQ Y%S ,xld Ismska iud.fï tacka;hkajk fudaIs*a wh;a wejka.dâ fk!ldj iïnkaO mÍlaIK lghq;= lrf.k hdu i|yd Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodjg ndr l< nj jrdh yd kdúl lghq;= wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d mjihs'

Y%S ,xld kduh hgf;a .dÆ jrdh iómhg meñK ;snQ fuu fk!ldj ,xldj foig tkúg bkaÈhka rcfha w;awvx.=jg m;a jQfha kï úYd, .egÆjlg furg rchg uqyqK§ug isÿjk nj o weu;sjrhd i|yka lf<a h'

mqoa.,hka ;sfofkl= neiaiùug wjYH nj mjiñka .dÆ jrdh iómhg meñKs úg fk!ldj ms<sn| ielhla we;s ù ks,OdÍka úiska mÍlaId lsÍfï § wdhqO ;sfnk njg ksÍlaIKh ù we;s nj o fyf;u mejiS h'

ta ms<sn| jeäÿrg;a woyia olajk wud;Hjrhd" ,kejla jrdhg tkak l,sfhka wmsj oekqj;a lrkak ´k' ;=kafofkla niaikak wjYH nj lshd wdjg ielhla we;s ù mÍlaId lsÍfï § wdhqO 800lag jvd ;sî ;sfhkjd' fld<U whs;slrejkag kej ndr fokakÆ wdfj' kuq;a whs;slrejka fyda tackaislrejka fï .ek wmsj oekqj;a lr,d kE'

wdhqO f.akj kï wmsg ta nj okajkak ´k' yÈisfhaj;a bkaÈhdfjka we,aÆj kï wmsg f,dl= m%Yakhla fjkafk' fudlo Y%S ,xld kduh hgf;a kej weú;a ;sfhkafk' wejka.dâ kejlajk fuys whs;slrejkajkafka Y%S ,xld Ismska iud.fï tacka;hka jk fudaIs*a lshk whhs'

wjodkula tk ksid jrdh we;=<g tkak wms bvÿkafk kE' kdúl yuqodjg wjYH kï jrdh we;=<g wrf.k mÍlaIK lrkak wms wjir ÿkakd', hkqfjka i|yka lf<a h'

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