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kj rch ksjerÈ ud¾.fha
.uka lrkjd 
- wfußldj

Y%S ,xldfõ kj rch" furg mßmQ¾K ck iudchla we;s lsÍu iy ixys¢hdj f.dvkeÛSu fjkqfjka ksjerÈ ud¾.fha .uka lrk njg wfußld tlai;a ckmoh wjOdrKh lrhs'

ck;d úYajdih f.dvkeÛSu Wfoid kj rch jeo.;a ld¾hNdrhla bgq lrñka isák nj o ta fjkqfjka ;u rcfha iydh ,ndfok nj o ol=Kq iy uOHu wdishdkq lghq;= ms<sn| wefußldkq iyldr rdcH f,alï kSYd ìiajd,a uy;añh m%ldY lrhs' jir 9 l ld,h mqrd furg ixys¢hdj Wfoid f.k we;s l%shdud¾.j,g jeähula udi 9 rch úiska bgqlr we;s nj o ta uy;añh fmkajd fohs' wfußldkq iyldr rdcH f,alïjßh fï nj m%ldYlr we;af;a cd;Hka;r udOH wu;ñks'

tys§ jeäÿrg;a weh fmkajd § ;sfnkafka Y%S ,xldfõ ishÆ mqrjeishkag iduldó" iY%Sl rgla f.dvkeÛSu Wfoid wfußld tlai;a ckmoh lemù isák nj;a ishÆ mqrjeishkag iudk wjia:d ysñ jk tjeks ck iudchla ìyslsÍu i|yd ixys¢hd l%shdj,sh w;sYhska jeo.;a nj;ah'

foaYSh mÍlaIK hdka;%Khla ;=<ska furg j.ùfï l%shdj,sh Yla;su;a l< yels njg wfußld tlai;a ckmofha úYajdih hehs o kSYd ìiajd,a uy;añh i|yka lr we;'

fï w;r ðkSjd kqjr tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï uKav, ieisjdrfha § Y%S ,xldjg iyh m< lsÍfï fhdackdjla wfußld tlai;a ckmoh úiska iema;eïn¾ 24 jkod bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ; nj o Y%S ,xldfõ ixys|dhdj iy m%;sixOdk l%shdj,sh fjkqfjka iEu iyfhdaÛhlau ,ndfok nj o ol=Kq iy uOHu wdishdkq lghq;= ms<sn| wfußldkq iyldr rdcH f,alï kSYd ìiajd,a uy;añh m%ldY lr ;sfí'


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