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,xldfõ m<uq úÿ,s ÿïßh 
2018 isg Odjkhg

furg m<uq úÿ,s ÿïßh fiajdj wdrïN lsÍu yd Bg wod< ÿïßh ud¾.h bÈlsÍug wod<  .súiqug Y‍%S ,xld rch yd u,hdishdkq iud.ula miq.shod w;aika ;enqjd'ta wkqj fld,U fldgqfja isg ó.uqj olajd furg m<uq úÿ,s ÿñßh ud¾. moaO;sh ilia lsÍug kshñ;hs'

óg iu.dój wlalr 150 l bvï m%udKhla ñ,§ .ksñka ish¿ myiqlï imsß k.rhla bÈlsÍug ie,iqï lr ;sfí'
wod, jHdmD;sfha YlH;d jd¾;dj isÿlsÍug fvd,¾ ñ,shk 05 l muK uqo,la wdfhdackh lrk w;r tu jd¾;djg wod<j rcfhka wkque;sh ysñjQ miqj jHdmD;sh wdrïN lsÍug kshñ;h'

fuu jHdmD;shg wod< jk ó.uqfõ isg fld<U fldgqj olajd úoHq;a ÿïßh ud¾.fha ÿr m%udKh lsf,da óg¾ 42 ls'

lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmdf<a iy fld<U fldgqfõ fuhg wjYH jk m¾hka; folla bÈlrk w;r ÿïßhg msúiqï ia:dk fndamsáfha iy flrj,msáfha f.dvke.Sug ie,iqï lr we;'
fï ish¿ bÈlsÍï 2018 jir wjika jkúg wjika lsÍug ie,iqï lr ;sfí

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