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fiahd Wiaikak fldkavhd
jirla l=reudkï w,a,,d

fiahd oeßh meyerf.k f.dia weh ¥IKh lsÍug ;ud jirl muK ld,hl isg udk n,ñka isá nj;a" weh meyerf.k hEu i|yd wehf.a ksjfia cfka,h <Ûg isõ j;djla muK meñK wjia:djla fkd,enqKq ksid wdmiq yeÍ .sh nj;a weh meyerf.k hEug wjia:dj ,enqfKa miafjks j;d­fõ njg;a fiahd ifoõóf.a >d;lhd jQ zzfldKavhdf.kaZZ Bfha ^25& l< m%Yak lsÍï j,§ wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

weh meyerf.k .sh Èkfha ksjig we;=¿ùu i|yd meh .Kkdjla ;siafia ksji ;=< isÿjk oE n,ñka wjg ieÛù isá nj mjik fldKavhd ksjfia bÈßmsg fodf¾ h;=reoud ;snqKd kï tÈko ;udg fiahd meyerf.k hEug wjia:djla fkd,efnk nj o mjihs' fiahd oeßh meyerf.k f.dia ¥IKh lsÍug fmr weh >d;kh lsÍug isÿ jQ nj mjik fldKavhd weh meh .Kkdjla ;siafia ¥IKhg ,la lf<a tfia ñh ‍f.dia ;sìh § nj;a mjid ;sfí'

;ud .fï ießierE wjia:d .Kkdjl§u fiahd jeks rEu;a oeßhka flfrys oeä wdYdjlska miq jQ nj o ;ukag ‍fiahd >d;kh lsÍug isÿ jQfha weh lE .id l,n, l<fyd;a wjg msßia wjÈùu ksid ;udf.a wruqK bIag lr.ekSug wjia:djla fkd,eîug bv fkd,efí hehs yeÛqK ksid nj o fldKavhd mjihs'

fiahd oeßh ksod isáh§ lSm wjia:djla cfka,h yer weh ksod isá foi n,d iy weh fiiq wh iuÛ ksjfia id,fha rEmjdysksh krUñka isáh§ weh foi ieÛù n,d isá wjia:dj, weh meyer‍f.k f.dia ;udf.a wdYdjka bIag lr .ekSfï wjYH;djo jeä fjkakg mgka .;a nj;a th bIag lr.kakd ;=re ;uka fjk lsisu fohla .ek fkdis;+ nj;a tu wmrdOlrejd tu mdfmdÉpdrKfha§ ;jÿrg;a mjid ;sfí'

fuu iellref.ka ryia fmd,sish ;jÿrg;a m%Yak lrf.k hk w;r Tyq ;reK úfha§ ;reKshka lsysm fofkl= iuÛu iïnkaOlï meje;aùug W;aidy l<;a Bg wjia:djla fkd,enqKq nj o m%ldY lr we;'

;j;a bÈß Èkh ;=<§ iellref.ka m%Yak lr wk;=rej Tyq wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk nj ryia fmd,sish mjihs'

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