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;dcqãkaf.a m<uq mYapd;a urK 
mÍlaIKfha fldgia 5la w;=reoka

r.¾ l%Svl fudfyduâ ;dcqãkaf.a urKh iïnkaOfhka meje;a jQ m<uq mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKfha § ,nd.;a fldgia wdrlaIs;j wêYs;lr‍Kfha ;sìh § bka fldgia 05la wia:dk.;j we;s nj;a ta iïnkaOj f,aLkj,o lsisÿ igykla ke;s nj;a ryia fmd,sish Bfha ^22& fld<U w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;a ksYdka; mSßia uy;d fj; oekqï ÿkafkah'

m<uq mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKh meje;a jQ ffjoH uKav,fha ffjoH rdc.=re uy;d fuu YÍr fldgia 5 iïnkaOfhka ksÍlaIK igyka fhdod tu fldgia wdrlaIs;j wêYS;lrKfha ;nk f,i úY%dñl ysgmq m%Odk wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odß wdkkao iurfialr uy;dg oekqï § ;snqkq njg ryia fmd,sish wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;dlr ;sìKs'

fuu YÍr fldgia tlaiaf¾ PdhdrEm ysgmq wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odßhd úiska wdmiq ndr fkdÿka nj;a tu fldgia 5 wêYs;lrKfha fyda YS;lrKfha we;s njg lsisÿ igykla ke;s nj mjik wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odß wð;a f;kakfldka uy;d tu fldgia fidhd .ekSug fkdyels nj;a ndr§u iïnkaOfhka lsis÷ igykla fkdue;s njg ,smshlska ryia fmd,sish oekqj;a l< njg fmd,sish wêlrKhg oekaùh'

fuu isrer kej; f.dvf.k fojkjrg mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKh meje;aùug m;alrk ,o ffjoH uKav,hg m%:u urK mÍlaIKfhka tlaiaf¾ PdhdrEm yd fuu wjhj fldgia wëlaIKh i|yd ,ndfok f,ig wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odßjrhd ryia fmd,sia wOHlaIlf.ka ,smshla u.ska b,a,d ;sfí'

fuu tlaiaf¾ yd wjhj fldgia iïnkaOj mQ¾K úYaf,aIKhlska miq wjika mYapd;a urK mÍlaIK jd¾;dj ilia l< yels njg wêlrK ffjoH wð;a f;kakfldaka uy;d ish ,smsh uÛska ryia fmd,sish oekqj;a lr ;sìK'

wod< lreK i<ld ne¨ ufyaia;%d;ajrhd urKlre jQ ;dcqãkaf.a m<uq mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKh tlaiaf¾ PdhdrEm iy isref¾ wjhj fldgia 05 jydu wêlrK ffjoH ks,Odß wð;a f;kakfldaka uy;dg ,ndfok f,i ysgmq úY%dñl ffjoH ks,Odß wdkkao iurfialr uy;dg ksfhda. lf<ah'


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