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h;=re meÈhlska .ukal,
wdndê; mqoa.,fhl=g
lyg.iaÈ.s,shÈ wudkqIsl
fmd,sia myr§ula

h;=re meÈhlska .ukal, wdndê; mqoa.,fhl=g lyg.iaÈ.s,sh fmd,sisfha r:jdyk wxYfha ks,Odßhl= wo WoEik b;d wudkqIsl whqßka ìu fmr,df.k myr§ ;sfí'

tla mdohla wysñj ;sfnk mqoa.,hd h;=re meÈhlska meñK we;s w;r Tyqg h;=re meÈh kj;k f,i r:jdyk rdcldßfha ksr;j isá fmd,sia ks,OdÍka fofokl= k.r wdikakfha§ ix{d lr ;sfí'

tfy;a wod, ix{d fkd;ld h;=remeÈh Odjkh l, meÈlre lyg.iaÈ.s,sh m%Odk ùÈfha§ fmd,sia ks,OdÍka úiska w,a,d.kakd w;r ta wjia:dfõ Tyq me<oisá fndre ll=,o .e,ù f.dia meÈlre mÈl fõÈldfõ weojeà ;sfí'

rdcldßfha ksr;j isá tla fmd,sia ks,Odßhl= Tyqj w,a,df.k b;d wudkqIsl wkaoñka myr§ ;sfí'

mqoa.,hdg myrfok whqre k.rfha isá úYd, msßila n,d isáh;a Bg úfrdaOh m<lsÍug lsisjl= bÈßm;a fkdùh'

isoaêh ÿgq fndfyda msßila lshd isáfha r:jdyk jereoaola isÿl, wndê;hl=g fufia wudkqIslj wukqIHhka f,i myr§u lsisfia;u wkqu; l, fkdyels njhs'

oreKq .Kfha wmrdOhla isÿl, mqoa.,fhl=g myr fok whqßka Tyq ìu fmr<df.k myr§u kskaÈ; nj Tjqka mejiQy'

fï iïnkaOfhka lyg.iaÈ.s,sh fmd,sisfha ia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍlaIl ,laIuka rkaj,wdrÉÉf.ka ÿrl:kfhka l, úuiSul§ Tyq lshd isáfha tjeks nrm;, isoaêhla ms<snoj ;uka oek fkdisá njhs'

tfy;a îu;ska h;=re meÈhl= meñ‚ mqoa.,hl= fmd,sia wK fkd;l Odjkh l, wjia:dfõ w;a wvx.=jg f.k we;s nj;a tu mqoa.,hd fmd,sia ks,OdÍka imd lñka myr§ula isÿlr we;s nj ;ukag jd¾;d jQ nj Tyq ioyka lf<ah'

wod, iellre îu;ska ßh meoùfï fpdaokdj u; wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l, nj Tyq jeä ÿrg;a ioyka lf,ah'

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