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mdi,a isiqjd .ek m%ldYhla lrkq
,xld .=re ix.ufha f,alï
-fcdaima iagd,ska

fldgfokshdfõ oeßhf.a >d;khg ielmsg fmd,sish ;j;a fofokl= w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s nj udOH jd¾;d l< nj;a" tfia kï mdi,a isiqjdg Bg iïnkaO o keoao hkak .ek fmd,sish m%ldYhla l< hq;= nj;a ,xld .=re ix.ufha f,alï fcdaima iagd,ska uy;d lshhs'

ñh .sh oeßhf.a >d;kfha iellrejka fidhk uqjdfjka fmd,sish fkdu< orejl= o u< orejl=f.a ;;a;ajhg m;a lsÍug W;aidy lr ;sfnk nj o" isiqjd .ek úúO f;dr;=re lshdmdñka Tyq .ek jerÈ u;hla iudcfha we;s lsÍug W;aidy lr we;s nj o" fmd,sisfha l%shdl,dmh fy<d olsk nj o iagd,ska uy;d mjihs'

fï .ek l< úuiSfï § fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ m%shka; chfldä uy;d lSfõ ffjoH jd¾;d wd miq Tyq iïnkaOfhka mshjrla .kakd njhs' isiqjd ielmsg .ekSug fya;=j l=ulaoehs weiQ úg fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl lSfõ Tyqf.a ,emafgdma mß.Klfha wiNH o¾Yk ;snQ njhs' wiNH o¾Yk ,emafgdma mß.Klfha ;sîu yd fldgfokshdj oeßhf.a >d;kh w;r iïnkaOh l=ulaoehs weiQ úg fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl lSfõ ielhla u;= jQ úg w;awvx.=jg .ekSfï yelshdj fmd,sishg ;fnk njhs'

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