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fmd,sish fiahdf.a wmrdO lrejka
,.g .syska yeß, weú;a

fiahd w;=reokajQ Èkg miqodu
fmd,sish wmrdOlrejka ,.gu
.syska m%ldY;a ,ndf.k we;

fldgfo‚hdj fiahd ifoõñ oeßh >d;kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ryia‌ fmd,sish u.ska w;awvx.=jg .;a ielldr fidfydhqrka fofokdf.ka oeßh w;=reokajQ Èkg miqodu m%ldYhla‌ ,nd.ekSug fldgfo‚hdj fmd,sish lghq;= lr we;;a Tjqka w;awvx.=jg .ekSug mshjr f.k ke;'

fmd,sish bl=;a 12 jeksod ^fikiqrdod& fuu m%ldYh ,ndf.k we;s w;r fldgfokshdj fmd,sish u.ska wysxil mdi,a YsIHhl= yd ;j;a ;reKhl= fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ielmsg w;awvx.=jg f.k we;af;a Bg isõ Èklg miq 16 jeksod ^nodod& w¨‍hï ld,fha§h'

ielldr fofidfydhqrka kjd;eka f.k isá Tjqkaf.a fidfydhqßhg wh;a ksjil§ fmd,sish fufia m%ldY ,ndf.k we;'

tu m%ldY ,nd .ekSfï§ ;uka fidfydhqßhlf.a ksjig meñK isákqfha .ïmy fmd,sisfha ks,Odßhl=g myr§fï isoaêhla‌ fya;=fjka nj tla‌ iellrejl= m%ldY lr we;'

wfkla‌ iellre jk ;u ìß|f.a jeäuy,a fidhqrd oeßh w;=reokajQ Èkg miqod tkï 12 jeksod ^fikiqrdod& ysñÈßfha ksjiska msgj f.dia‌ ye| isá iru iïmQ¾Kfhkau f;udf.k fmrjre 7'00 g muK h<s ksjig meñ‚ njo Tjqkaf.a uia‌iskd fmd,sishg m%ldYhla‌ lrñka i|yka lr we;'

fuu ielldr fidhqrka ms<sn| tf,i wkdjrKhla‌ isÿj ;sìh§;a ta ms<sn| wjOdkh fhduq fkdl< fldgfo‚hdj fmd,sish m%ldY ,ndf.k msgj f.dia‌ ;sfí'

ryia‌ fmd,sish u.ska w;awvx.=jg f.k isák ;u fidfydhqrka fofokdf.ka tfia m%ldY ,nd .ekSfuka miq wjYH jqjfyd;a h<s meñfKk nj mjid fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka msgj .sh nj iellrejkaf.a fidfydhqßh i|yka l<dh'

fiahd oeßh w;=reokaùfuka miq .fï ;reKhka lsysm fofkl=u w;awvx.=jg .;a fmd,sish bka we;eï wh uqod yßk w;f¾ .fï úYd, msßilf.ka m%ldY ,nd .ekSug lghq;= l< nj wlrka.y .ïjdiSyq mejiQy'

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